Chp. 34

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Cody P.O.V 

"You're cancelling the tour?" I asked Bella, shocked that she would even think about doing that. "Cody it's for the best. She'll do her last concert next week in California. Cody, you saw her in that hospital bed and we all know that she isn't healthy. I know that'll hurt her but I just want what's best for her." I sighed, agreeing with her.

"I'm going to go back to her room." She nodded her head, taking a sip from her coffee. Bella's right about Rosie's health. When I saw her, it did look like she lost some weight but I just blamed it on the dance routines that she was doing. I know that she's not starving herself, but I do know that she isn't eating enough.

Matt ruined this opportunity for her, he ruined her happiness. I should've stayed, even if it would've gotten my management pissed at me. At this point, I don't even want to finish my tour, I just want to be there for Rosie.

I walked into the room seeing Rosie, sitting on her bed talking to Justin. "You're finally up." I said, her head turned to me with a surprised smile. "You came!" She had tears in her eyes, which she quickly wiped away. "I'll leave you two alone." Justin patted me on the shoulder as he walked out the room.

"Hey Princess." I sat down, pulling her small body closer to mine. "What's happening to me?" I looked at her confused, her eyes focused on her lap. "What do you mean?" She looked so lost, she looked like the girl I met almost a year ago. A girl that was scared of letting someone into that beautiful heart of hers. A girl that hid herself in her room just waiting for her happy ending to come. She was the girl that wouldn't let her emotions show unless she knew you well. The girl who was afraid of falling in love with the fear of no one catching her.

"I'm just not happy anymore. I thought I would love doing this tour but at this point, it's my worst nightmare. Wherever I go, Matt will always be there watching me. I loe my fans but because of Matt, I just want to give up. I can't stand the fact that I'm scared of him. Cody I'm terrified." She wrapped her arms around my waist, holding onto me tightly.

I kissed her head, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her onto my lap. "I'll keep you safe. I won't leave your side, Matt won't hurt you." She clung tighter to me, and I could the teardrops landing on my pants. "Yeah, but Cody I have a tour that I have to do. Cody, you have a tour that you have and you can't always be there for me when my psycho ex-boyfriend decides to stalk me." I don't know if I should tell her that Bella was actually cancelling the tour.

"Rosie I have to tell you something." She slowly lifted her body up, fear in her eyes. "What is it?" I looked at the door, hoping that Bella would just walk through the door already.

"Bella doesn't want you doing the tour anymore." Her expression fell, and her body stiffened. Fuck. I shouldn't of told her, Bella should've told her.

Rosie P.O.V

"No tour?" I quietly asked myself. I thought that this would be one of the things I could've done that was successful. The one thing that I could've done to show people that I'm not weak anymore. But I'm still that girl, the girl that constantly needs someone to check up on her.

How could Cody even want to be with me still? I'm always going to be that weak girl, the girl that cries over the littlest things. No matter how many times Cody tries to make me happy, I don't think I'll ever be one hundred percent happy. The pain embedded in my heart will always linger.

"Rosie?" Cody and I both turned around, seeing Bella with my mom. "I'm not doing the tour anymore?" I noticed Bella send Cody a glare, but I decided to ignore it. "I'm so sorry Rosie, but I think continuing this tour isn't a good idea. Once this whole entire Matt thing blows over, we'll continue the tour. Rosie, you lost almost twenty pounds in two months. I know you're not doing this intentionally but it's making you really sick. We just want you to get better." I sighed, leaning my head on Cody's shoulder.

"Wait, are we giving my fans refund?" I didn't want to disappoint my fans even more. "You're going to be doing two more concerts. The concerts that they already paid for are the ones you're going to be doing. They've just been moved at least one week from now." I nodded my head, intertwining my hand with Cody's.

"Um Cody and Bella, can you give my mom and I a few minutes?" My mom looked at me slightly confused, but seemed happy that we finally got some alone time together. "Yeah. Text me when you want me back in the room." Cody kissed my forehead, before leaving the room.

"Do you want to go dress shopping soon for the wedding?" I asked my mom, watching her smile as she walked towards me. "Of course we can go shopping. But I have to ask you something first." I looked up at my mom, who had so much love in her eyes. "Yeah?" She wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" I froze, a smile slowly appearing in my face. "Yes!" She laughed, as I hugged her tightly. "I love you so much Rosie." I missed her so much, and maybe this break will be a good thing for us. We haven't spoken a lot and our mother/daughter relationship was slowly falling apart. "I love you too mommy." She chuckled, hugging me back tightly.

"I'm going to go check with the doctor and see when you can leave." I nodded my head, giving her one last hug. I stood up from the bed, looking through the clothes that Cody brought me. A black bandeau, bleached shorts, socks, bra and underwear, and my black VANs.

I walked into the bathroom, noticing how tired they looked. They had dark grey bags under them, and they were red since I stopped crying around two hours ago. My whole entire body ached, and everytime I moved my arms, a sharp would go through my shoulders.

I sighed, resting my head on the wall. I can't even get fucking changed. I wasn't upset at myself, I was pissed off. I walked out of the bathroom, and continued until I walked out to the hallway. "What's wrong?" Cody asked, seeing how pissed I was.

"Can you just help me get changed?" I didn't mean to be rude but I was in no mood to deal with anyone's pity. I let Matt get to me, and that was something I promised myself I wouldn't do. "Okay." He whispered, letting me walk back into the room.

He closed the door, before getting my bag. "I can put my underwear and my shorts on. I just can't put my bra and shirt on." He nodded his head, handing me my clothes. He watched me carefully as I changed into my shorts. It was a painful process, but I was feeling the effects of how much stress I've been putting on my body.

"Raise your arms." Cody softly instructed, careful not to hurt me. "It hurts." I bit my lip, feeling the tight pain in my arms. Once my shirt was off, Cody helped me put my bra and shirt on. He kissed my forehead, before pulling me into a tight hug. His hands rubbed my shoulders giving me comfort.

"You're getting discharged so you can leave now." Cody informed me, his hands still rubbing my shoulders. "Okay." I was ready to see everyone, maybe leaving tour would be a good thing.

Walking out of the room, I saw everyone turn towards me. "Rosie!" I laughed, as arms swarmed around me. "Okay, let me breathe now." They all laughed, letting go of me. "I was so worried about you." Kailey said, hugging me tightly. "Guys I'm okay. I'm okay." I reassured them, seeing their smiles.

"We're going to be staying in a hotel for the rest of the week." Bella exclaimed, typing away at her phone. "Okay." Cody's hand connected with mine, as we all filed out of the hospital. In the corner of my eyes, I saw him. I saw him standing there, a camera in his hands, and a smirk on his face. I smirked back, his smirk fading away. You're not going to win Matt. I'll win this battle whether you like it or not.


Is it weird that I ship my own characters together? Because I freaking love them together. If you listen to Cher Lloyd, do you like her new album 'Sorry I'm Late'?" It's freaking amazing! Okay, well I'm going to start writing Chp. 35. Byee ~ Brianna xoxo

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