Chp. 36

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Rosie P.O.V

I woke up to the worst hangover I've ever had in two months. The sunlight poured through the curtains, making it hard to fall back asleep. I noticed Cody laying down next to me, completely knocked out. When I went to throw the blankets off of me, I realized that I was only in my underwear and in one of Cody's shirts.

What the hell happened last night? All I remember is Matt pushing, Cody getting mad, me getting drunk, Cody and I having sex, and the rest was just a blur. I groaned, lifting my body up from the bed.

I walked out of the room, walking out to see everyone knocked out besides Niall. "Hey babe." I groaned, as Niall handed me some water and aspirin. "Hey gorgeous." I responded, receiving a small smile from Niall. "Did you not drink last night?" I cringed, as my own voice made my head hurt, even if I was whispering.

"Yeah but not that much. I didn't get that fucked up unlike the rest of you idiots." I groaned, laying my head down on the counter. "Niall, the Irish one not getting drunk, that's a shocker." He laughed, making my head pound. "Nice underwear." I looked down, shrugging my shoulders.

I wasn't wearing a thong or wearing any lacy underwear. Underwear is the same thing as bikini bottom. There's not really a big difference. "I think everyone has seen me in my underwear." He laughed, nodding his head agreeing with me.

"We all know that Cody has seen what's under that underwear. Especially last night." I looked at him confused before he showed me the empty box of condoms. "No one went back inside this bus besides Cody and you." I sighed loudly, pouting. "At least I got lucky." Niall laughed, making me laugh as well.

My head was still killing me, but at least the fog inside my head was fading away. "Wanna make me food NIall?" He sighed, already getting the cereal out. "I love you." He waved his hand, making me laugh. "Sure you do." I chuckled, as he handed me the bowl of cereal.

"Make sure you eat all of it." Niall's voice spoke with such protectiveness that I couldn't help but laugh. "Niall you're so adorable." He laughed, he's not the type to be overly protective. The only times he's ever gotten truly over protective over me was when I went out partying. This though, this was just Niall trying to act tough and demanding. I knew that he was worried and trust me, I was worried myself.

I let myself get this way. I let Matt get to me, resulting in me not eating and disobeying Bella's request. Usually I would've disobeyed anyway, but these requests were something I just had to do. Now because I let him get to me, everything was now destroyed.

"Babe!" I jumped hearing Cody's urgent voice followed by a painful groan. "First ever hangover, I got this." Niall chuckled, taking the bowl away from me. 

I quickly walked to the room, knowing how bad your first ever hangover could be. "Yeah?" I asked, seeing Cody rubbing his temple. "Everyone found out about the party yesterday." Cody groaned, holding his head in his hands.

I saw a bottle of aspirin lying on the floor. Well that would've been helpful the minute I woke up this morning. I grabbed the bottle and Cody's water bottle, handing it to him. "Did your mom text you?" Cody sighed, nodding his head.

"And called me five times. She's beyond pissed that she saw me drinking. Who could've been there?" I shrugged my shoulders, I still couldn't remember much of last night. "I really don't know. Maybe just some random paparazzi guy was there. Who knows." He sighed, taking the aspirin.

"Is this what you went through every night?" I felt Cody's soft gaze on me. "Yeah but I got used to it." Cody why do you always bring up the past in every single situation. He sighed, pulling me to his bare chest.

"I love you." He whispered, making a smile form on my lips. "I love you Cody." He smiled, kissing my forehead. "I am never drinking again." I couldn't help but laugh, as he laid back down on the bed, my body falling on top of his.

"You should probably call your mom back. She's going to be worried sick." Cody ran his fingers through my hair, sighing deeply. "Fine, but if I get yelled at. I'm blaming you." I laughed, nodding his head.

"I'm calling her now." Cody looked so nervous, knowing how mad his mom is going to be at him. "Hello mom?" I laughed, already hearing Angie's voice. "Mom! Mom I'm fine!" He tried to calm her down, nut it only made matters worse. "Well, I'm having the worst hangover ever if that helps." I bit down my tongue, trying to conceal my laughter.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry mom. I won't do it again." I knew how much of a lie that was. "I love you too, bye." Once he hung up the phone, I couldn't help but laugh. "Poor Cody got in trouble." He glared at me, making me laugh again. "Shut up." He muttered, but I could tell that he was trying to hide his smile.

"Are you not wearing pants?" Cody asked, running his hand up my bare thigh. "Yeah. You and Niall both have very observant eyes." Cody chuckled, pulling me closer to him. "How about we get you something to eat? It helps with the hangover." He groaned, slowly getting up.

"Wait." I stopped walking, looking over at Cody whose eyes were wide. "I love you." I couldn't help but smile, as I began walking towards him. "I love you too Codes. Now come on." He stood up, tugging down my shirt. I looked at him confused, his eyes wandering up my body.

"My bum." I laughed, wrapping my arm around his waist as we both walked out of the room. "Rosie?" Harry groaned, sitting up. "Yes?" I asked, chuckling a bit. "I don't know." Harry muttered, before falling back onto the couch.

"It's everywhere." Justin muttered, looking down at his phone. He gave it to me, so I could see what the paparazzi took of us. "What the hell?" i mumbled to myself, seeing Cody and I drinking, Harry and Niall sharing a laugh, us girls stripping down to our bra and underwear, Justin and Gianna sharing a kiss, and basically everyone just partying.

"Who could've..." My voice trailed off, as I remembered who else was with us that night. Matt. He was there. He was on the pier with his camera. "Matt. Matt was the one." I finally managed to say, handing Justin back his phone.

"He was on the pier. I remember now." I stumbled back, Cody caught my arm before I could fall. "Are you okay?" Cody, you already know the answer. Breathe Rosie breathe. "Y-yeah." Cody gave me a questioning look, before pulling me into his arms. This has to stop. Matt can't keep on doing this to us. Maybe it's time that I just say the truth. The truth about what happened that night. Matt's going to get his wish granted. I lost, he won.


Ew this is so short but oh well. I don't know what a hangover is like so I just wrote what my cousin told me. Yeah, my cousin isn't really that good at details but hopefully I described it well. I mean, I know that you get a huge headache and such. I really don't know. I'm watching the Teen Wolf Marathon!! Dylan O'Brien is bae. Okay, well I'm going to New York on July 15th to July 21st. So I will not be posting or updating on those days. I just wanted to tell you guys that. Okay, well that's it for this very long boring authors note. Bye I love you ~ Brianna xoxo

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