Chp. 44

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Rosie P.O.V

After two grueling weeks of waking up early and staying up to four in the morning, the Surfboard music video was finally complete. It left Cody and I exhausted yet also excited to see the fans reactions. 

Instead of celebrating the completion of the video with everyone else in California, we were on our way to my Mom's house in Virginia. I've been debating on when I should bring up the true reason for why I wanted to visit her. She thinks that it's because I missed her and I thought that it would be a good week to visit her.

Plus, my Maid Of Honers dress and the bridesmaid dresses were at her house ready for altercations. "Nervous?" Cody asked, his hand resting on my shaking thigh. "Just a bit." He chuckled, his phone began to start vibrating.

"Hey Alli..." His voice trailed away as I started to wander back into my thoughts. I would finally be able to know the truth of why my Dad ended his life. Why he felt the need to leave his family behind. Why he had to leave me. I was supposed to be his number one priority, but it felt like I was his last.

"Hey don't over think this." I smiled, Cody's hand entwining with mine. "What did Alli want?" Cody dramatically groaned, rolling his eyes. "Something about her song Guilty. I honestly wasn't paying attention to her." I chuckled, lightly shaking my head.

"You're nice." I joked, my hand reaching over to lightly push him on the shoulder. "You know pushing me while I'm driving is highly dangerous." He pointed out, making me laugh. "Yeah well when you make me laugh while I drive, i close my eyes. That's also highly dangerous." I playfully shot back.

This was our usual banter while he drove to my Mom's house. "You don't have to be so rude, you know?" He said, after I made a comment about his dance moves and how his legs look like Jello. "Yeah but you love me anyway." I said, his smile making my lips turn into a smile.

"Okay we're here." I mumbled to myself, as he pulled into the driveway. "They repainted the house." The house used to be dark grey but now it's a light blue. "It looks nice though." I also noticed how the wooden steps were changed into bricks.

"Mom?" I yelled, walking into the house. "Oh Rosie you're here! Greg, come bring their bags into the guest room." My mom yelled, Greg soon making his way downstairs. "Hello Rosie. So nice to see you again Cody." Cody shook Greg's hand after Greg greeted me with a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"Where's Destiny?" I asked, following my Mom into the living room. "She's at some festival for YouTubers." I nodded my head, proud of Destiny. She was finally ready to make a career out of her YouTube videos.

"Well that's nice but Mom can we talk privately?" Cody squeezed my hand, before I walked with my Mom upstairs into her room. "What's this about honey?" She asked me, her hand resting on mine.

"I need to know about Dad's suicide. And don't tell me that I don't have to know or that it was nothing. I need to know Mom." My Mom sighed, closing her eyes.

"Are you sure that you're ready to know?" I nodded my head, resting my hand on her shoulder. "Your father had a really rough past. And that was the cause of the drift in our marriage." I looked at her confused, yet I didn't say a word.

"I'll start with his past. When your father was younger, his parents were drug addicts. One day, the D.E.A. took his parents away and sent them to jail. Instead of him going into the system, his Aunt and Uncle took him in."

"So what happened with his parents?" My mother gave me a solemn look, before continuing her story. "Later on when Richard was eighteen, he went looking for his parents. Unfortunately, he found out that they were killed in a tragic car accident when he was fifteen.

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