Chp. 03

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Rosie P.O.V

"Rosie, Rosie, Rosie love wake up." I groaned feeling Kailey's warm hand on my shoulder. "Kailey what are you doing here?" I said, feeling the intense pain of a hungover hit me. "We have the photo shoot at twelve remember? It's ten and you're still not ready yet." Fuck.

"I'm sorry." I whispered sitting up. "Where's Selena and how did you get in here?" She chuckled at my confused state. "Selena had to go home early and she let me in." I nodded my head, a bit sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to her.

"I brought you some clothes, your brush, your makeup, and your toothbrush." I smiled, as she handed me the bag. "Thanks. Just give me a few minutes to get ready." She nodded her head, getting up from my bed, and headed out the door. I really need to get my shit together or it's back to rehab for me. I went into the bathroom bringing the bag with me.

I changed into a plain black t-shirt, high-waisted pink shorts, and black heels. I brushed my teeth before brushing my hair into a messy bun. I put on light pink eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

"I'm ready!" I yelled leaving the guest room. "Well someone looks pretty today." Kailey said giving me a smile which I returned but it didn't last long. I haven't given a real smile to anyone ever since Cody and I broke up. Sometimes I wonder how he could move on so quickly when he was the first one to say I love you. Maybe it was payback for "cheating" on him.

Selly: Hey sorry I could'nt say goodbye but you were passed out <3

I sighed at Selena's text.

Me: It's fine I'll text you later. Love ya. <3

Selly: Okay. Love ya too<3

"How was the club?" Kailey asked as we made our way out of the hotel. "Fine. I mean it was more energetic, but it's only because Cody's..." I trailed off, as his name repeated in my head. "Here." Kailey whispered finishing my sentence. She locked our arms together, giving me a sincere smile.

"It'll be okay Rosie. I mean you probably won't even see him." I just stayed quiet knowing how much of a lie that was. Justin and Cody were practically like brothers, so of course Cody would want to see him. "Anyway, are you excited about your concert tonight?" I nodded my head, accidentally bumping into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." Kailey and I both stopped walking as we heard that familiar Australian accent... Cody.

"Rosie?" My mouth grew dry as he spoke my name. I blinked back the tears as I turned around facing him and Kylie. Kylie's hand was interlocked tightly with Cody, and she had the brightest smile on her face. "It's nice to see you again Cody." Kailey exclaimed, trying to make this situation not awkward.

"It's nice to see you too. Uhh, this is my girlfriend Kylie." My already broken heart seemed to break again. "I love your album." Kylie beamed, she seemed to be a huge fan of me. "Thanks, that means a lot to me." I gave her a smile though it never quite met my eyes.

"Well I'm sorry but we have a photo shoot to go to." Kailey said tugging at my arm. "Do you want to come with us?" I blurted out feeling Cody's eyes on me. Cody and Kailey both exchanged confused glances yet Kylie didn't seem to notice. "We'd love to. Right Codes?" My stomach clenched as she called him the nickname I used to call him.

He stayed silent, though nodded his head. He seemed uncomfortable with the thought of his ex and his new girlfriend hanging out. "Okay well we're late so come on." Kailey awkwardly stated, before pulling at my arm again. "I know you're hungover but what the hell are you doing?" Kailey harshly whispered into my ear. "I'm not sure yet." I whispered softly.

As we were walking, paparazzi seemed to take notice of this odd group I had formed. I have no idea what I'm doing, all I know is that right now I need Cody close to me. The paparazzi used to always bother me when I was with Cody but now they just leave me alone; most of the time.

"Why are you going back to the doctor's again?" Kailey asked, trying to diffuse the uncomfortable tension in the air. "To check on my organs. My kidneys have been acting up lately." It's probably from all of the drinking I've been doing lately.

"So are you not going to go back to the club?" Kyle asked, coming in between Kailey and I, leaving Cody behind. "Oh no, I am. I'm probably going to go again tomorrow night. I have a concert tonight. Are you going?" Please say no. She smiled though instantly, giving me the answer I didn't want.

"Of course. I love your song Welcome to the Show." I gave her a soft smile though I really wanted to just push her way. I took a quick glance at Cody who seemed to be in deep thought. Why did I let them come again?


I've been obsessing over Pierce The Veil lately. I'm sorry but they are just such a great band. Anyway, I honeslty felt awkward while writing this chapter. What do you think Cody was thinking about while he was walking? Well, I got to get ready for bed since school's tomorrow :'(  I love you and thanks for reading the chapter ~ Brianna xoxo

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