Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

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Make it more satisfying

⚠️This chapter can be a bit suggestive. ⚠️
           Please read with discretion.

Bubbling bubbling bubbling. Inside the bathtub, the foam was roiling like a spa tub. Have I ever been to a place like this?

'God, this is so cool!'

My back, which had been tight and stiff from walking in high heels, was relieved from fatigue.

"Wife. You have to lean your head this way so I can wash your hair first."

"Ah, Are you really going to wash my hair?"

"Shouldn't I fulfill my duties as a husband?"

Water droplets made his long, long eyebrows appear unrealistically beautiful as he looked down.

"You can just pretend you did it and leave."

I was leery of entrusting my hair to an unfamiliar man, so I made a sly suggestion.

"I can't do that."


"I will do my duty as a husband. Because that's our contract."



He narrowed his eyes and looked at me. 'Hmmm, are you more stubborn than I thought? If that's the case...' I leaned back into the spot where he had indicated. The bathtub also had a handle, making it easy to balance.

"Then let's get started."

I quietly closed my eyes. He poured warm water on my head. Tap, tap. swish, swish, swish.

'Is he making shampoo foam?'

I was nervous. Wasn't this one of those scenes you see only in movies? And since I was feeling shy, a good way to direct my attention elsewhere was to start a conversation.

"How was this tradition created?"

"In this area where demons haunt, even if you experience your first night, you will become a widow. Even so, to be greeted as a couple paired by the heavens, I believe this kind of ceremony was both affirmation and defiance of the Demonworld."

"Ah... But as an Imperial citizen, Imperial grandson, and Archduke of this land you didn't have to keep the traditions of the demons, hu—ahh"

I couldn't speak anymore. Because his long, soft fingers began to caress my scalp. Ten round, hard fingertips adhered to my scalp like an octopus.


Press, press. Haa... what a great yet rare skill... Calm flowed through my body.

"Seeing that you can't keep up the conversation, are you enjoying my massage?"

"Ah... Wha... mmh..."

"It's a good tradition. So, I hope my wife will not treat the residents of this land with preconceived notions."

Before I knew it, his probing fingers slipped gently toward my crown and pressed down.

"Yes, yee- mmh."

I pressed my lips together, trying to stop myself from making such sounds. Why was I making such a strangely sensual moan? I crossed my legs and tried not to moan. He placed his thumb on the crown again and pressed down on my head with his remaining four fingers. Then, after pressing against the side, he supported the back of my head and meticulously applied acupressure along the back of my neck to the point where it connected to my skull.

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