Invited, Invitee, Invitations

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"Y/N, up, in the shower, today's your first day of public school." Veronica smiled a sinister smile as she shook me awake, "Hurry and I can make you some french toast." She leans down and kisses my forehead and I groan turning over,

"You're not really going to make me go to public school, are you? They'll eat me alive in there." I groaned, arm over my eyes as she opened the curtains.


After showering and eating my favorite, french toast, a five dollar bill was shoved into my hand for lunch and I was sent out the door, "You'll be walking with Carl, the school's a ten-minute walk from here, hurry or you'll be late on your first day." Kev and V waved me off and I smiled, shit.

"Hey ma, how you doing this fine morning?" I roll my eyes at him, "Okay, you're the silence type, I can dig it." He starts walking and I follow him, this was going to be a long walk. "You really not going to talk to me the whole way there?" I look at me, my brows raised in challenge, "Okay, a challenge, I like." He was quiet for a few minutes before he suddenly stopped causing me to run into his back, as I was too busy on my phone. "We're here." I look over his shoulder and cringe, I've never been to public school ever. "You probably shouldn't have worn that you look like one of those rich bitches in the movies where their favorite line is, 'my daddy can buy your ass.'." I laugh and he smiles, "Ha, I did it, I got you to laugh."I roll my eyes and start to walk up the stairs and to the main entrance doors,

"Am I going to have to do this alone or..." I ask looking back over my shoulder and he rushes up and stands behind me waiting for me to make the first move, "Fine." I step through the door and look around, there were cliques as any high school had, there were the couples making out over the lockers, "This isn't so bad." I sigh and Carl laughs, lightly shoving me,

"Well, you're going to shadow me for today at the end of the day we'll stop by the office to get your schedule for tomorrow." I nod and he takes the lead again leading me to his locker,

"Can I put my wallet in there? My credit cards are in it and if someone steals it-" Carl snatches the wallet from my hand and stuffs it in his pocket,

"It's not safe in these lockers, they're so easy to pick, I'll hold it for you. What about your purse, want me to hold that for you too?" He mocks and closes his locker, we turn around to come face to face with two girls. "Hey, Dom." Carl waves and she smiles batting her lashes, she was clearly into him,

"Where's Nick?" asked the taller curl with the curly hair, Carl shrugs,

"Said he wanted the day off, had business to handle, he's a grown man." Dom giggles and I had to try so hard not to roll my eyes,

"Who this? You dating her?" Carl shook his head and smirked at her,

"You know I'm only into you." I smiled a reassuringly smile at her and she rolled her eyes,

"Well, you want to walk me to class, I'm sure little miss prissy can handle herself." She makes a shooing motion as she wraps her arm with Carl's,

"Actually, she's shadowing me. Come on Y/N, let's walk Dom to class."

I had managed to make it through the rest of the day, despite all of Carl's friends trying to hit on me, and despite Dom's bitchy attitude. It was time for lunch, I followed Carl through the lunch line and the lunch wasn't as bad as books and movies made it out to be. I got a burger with some fries and a water. I handed the girl my money, "Keep the change." I smile and cringe as I pass her, shit.

"Yo, Y/N, over her." One of Carl's friends, Jake calls me over and I shake my head as I walk to the table. "So, how's your day been so far?" He asks as he picks a fry from my plate, I swap his hand.

"Not as bad as I thought, I thought public school would be way worse filled with dirty people and indecent, uneducated people but I'm surprised." Everyone laughs,

"You'll have to excuse Y/N, her manners were in her money." Carl sighs as he joins us, Dom and her friend falling into place after him, Dom hanging onto his arm for dear life, I flip him off and stick my tongue out at him, before sipping from my water.

"Yeah so what happened Y/N, why'd you come to Chicago, can't be any better than where you were." I look at Terrance, another of Carl's friends, and he smiles an awkward smile, "Alright, sensitive topic." I nod as I squeeze the ketchup packets into the empty spot on my tray, tuck my napkin in my shirt and begin to eat my fries.

"Dude, she's so weird." Dom laughs to her friend,

"I'm sorry, this shirt cost two hundred dollars, and I'll be damned if I let a ketchup stain ruin it." Carl 'ohs' and a series of burns come from his friends as Dom sits looking pissed with her friend. I smirk,

"Has any of you heard of the party happening tonight, it's supposed to be like a bonfire but it's in these trashcans and it's supposed to be under the 'L', what the hell is the 'L'." Everyone at the table laughs again but quickly stop as all of them realize,

"I wasn't invited to a party." Dom's friend whine,

"I wasn't either." Dom pouts, crossing her arms,

"Yeah, me either, Y/N, it's your first day how the hell did you get invited to a party?"

I shrug, "I offered to buy the beer, now, enough with the questions, who wants to join me, I don't want to go to a party alone." I laugh, popping another fry into my mouth.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now