An Open Book

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It had been a little over a week since Carl brought up what I had said to him the night of the party, I had been quiet, blocking out Kevin and Veronica, and I could tell everyone was worried about me. I laid in my bed, it was around 11 at night and I could hear, V talking to Kev about me upstairs. I heard a knock on my window and I jumped up grabbing my converse, "What the hell?" I rushed to the window and pulled my curtain back to find Carl, "Oh my god, Carl what the hell are you doing at my window?" I huff as I push it open and push out the screen door allowing him to climb through my window,

"You've been ignoring me, that's what I'm doing here. Y/N I'm sorry for what I said and I'm sorry if it was over the line but I enjoy having you around and I don't want to lose that, if you need me to I will never bring it up again and I'll forget all about it." I had dropped my show my hands on my hips, the first thing I noticed about him was his hair,

"what happened to the braids?" I nod to his head and he runs his fingers through his hair, a genuine smile on his face,

"I got out, I had to walk twenty blocks in nothing but my socks and briefs but I got out."

"Out of what?" Carl mimicked my action and put his hands on his hips,

"I got a deal for you," He kicked off his shoes and climbed onto my bed, patting the seat next to him, "I'll tell you about my ordeal if you tell me about yours...I understand if you don't want to...I cut him off wagging my finger at him,

"Deal, you first, though." I joined him on the bed,

"Okay, I was part of a drug ring, I was selling for this guy named G-Dog, I was selling guns out the bathroom stall, nothing big, you turn."

I take a deep breath, "What I say stays in this room, stays in this room, please tell no one." I put out my pinky, "Pinky promise." He wrapped his pinky around mine,

"Cross my heart hope to die."

"Okay, back when I lived with my dad, I was dating this guy, Brad Stormford, his dad owned this boating company, anyway he showed interest so I gave him a shot, our first dance he took me to this really, really pricey restaurant, and ordered the most expensive meal, I felt like a princess, he complimented and told me how beautiful I was and how lucky he was throughout the night. After the date, we took one of his dad's yachts out, we drank some red wine, and after I was a little tipsy I got handsy," I pause and take a deep breath trying to cool myself, and hold back my tears,

"You don't have to finish if you don't want to," Carl says softly, rubbing my back,

"He started to kiss my neck and shoved his hand down my skirt, I cried and begin to tell him to stop and push him away from me, I told him to stop and I beat on his chest. He pushed me down, and held his hand over my mouth and pushed my panties to the side," I stood from the bed and begin to pace the room, shaking from anger, "He raped me, Carl, I cried, kicked, screamed, scratched, he didn't get off." Carl joins me at the end of the bed and wraps his arms around me, chin resting on top of my head, I started to sob, arms wrapping around his waist, "Carl, I'm so sorry." I squeezed him, scared to let him go as if he'd blow away and I'd never see him again,

"It's okay, I'm here down, and honestly I'm ready to kill that son of a bitch." I laugh a little, Carl rocking us back and forth,

"Carl, thank you so much," I pull away wiping my tears from my face, "I've never told anyone, nobody would believe me, our dads were such close friends, Carl, I was so scared." I sit at the foot of the bed and Carl joins me, arm wrapped around my shoulders and we just sat in silence, until the door opened to reveal V and Kev, mouths wide,


Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now