We're Back Bitches

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I splashed Carl, laughing as he picked me up and ducked me under the water, "Awe! You two are so cute, look Y/N, you're mom called back, they have the money you and Gallagher are free people...at midnight." Carl and I smile, kissing each other,

"How much did you ask for?" I asked swimming toward the edge of the pool Carl close behind,

"Don't worry about it, have fun with your boyfriend." G-Dog shooed us away and I begin to backstroke, yelling for Carl to catch me. Carl and I swam for hours, only getting out to use the bathroom or to take a snack break or a drink break. Carl and I swam until the moon and stars replaced the sun and there was a slight breeze,

"Okay, y'all it's 9:30 we have to get going. I have to blindfold you guys and tie your hands together but I won't duct tape your mouths." Carl and I nod, getting dressed and then going through the motions, cuffed, blindfolded and through back into the back of the car. The drive is a couple of hour on the way back and after singing off key to the songs on the radio for hours the car had finally stopped. "Okay, we're here, come on." Our hands were uncuffed and the blindfolds were pulled from our heads, to reveal our family.

"Give us the kids." Veronica demanded, throwing a duffle bag at our feet, G-Dog pushed us forward, smiling as he went through the bag of money, I walked into Veronica's arms and Carl into Fiona's, they hugged us and rocked us back and forth repeatedly kissing our heads as if we had been gone for years, "What happened to your face?" Veronica asked, grabbing my chin and moving my head every which way, my lip was busted and there was a cut above my right eyebrow, Carl's face worse than mine.

"We got hit a few times, Y/N was a boss, made me look like a little wimp." Car laughed and I smiled taking his hand in mine,

"You're strong babe." I promise, kissing his knuckles, "It's just when your dad's rich like mine is you have to prepare yourself. I've been through a stimulator if there weren't so many of them I could have taken them."

"Oh really?" Carl asks playfully tapping my arm,

"Glad to have you two back," Lip smiled, hugging us both, Ian after him, Debbie and then Kev.

"It wasn't that bad, he fed us, then let us swim until 9, I don't think he was going hurt us." I sigh, taking Carl's hand and walking toward the car.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now