Late Night Talks

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The party had died down and it was around 12 at night, I was laying in bed, Carl laying beside me sound asleep. I pull out my phone and snap a picture, "You're so handsome." I smiled standing up out of bed making my way toward the door to go get a glass of water. I walk out my room to find Veronica sitting at the Kitchen table smoking a cigarette. "Hey," I whisper quietly, grabbing a glass and a bottle of water from the fridge, I pour it into the glass and lean against the counter, sipping at it, "Why you still up?" I ask and she looks at me, gently laughing,

"I'm just thinking." I join her at the table,

"You." I raise my brows,

"Me and my baby?" She shakes her head putting out her cigarette,

"I haven't seen you since you were seven, you're fifteen now." She sighs,

"I know it wasn't your fault." She looks at me, relief on her face,

"I still, I still accepted the hush money.." I shake my head setting my glass down,

"It wasn't hushed money, I know you tried contacting me, my dad told me you didn't want to see me but I didn't believe that so one night I snuck into his study and saw a box full of letters you had been sending me since I was like three, I forced him to send you the money, it was my monthly allowance, I even wrote you a letter, guess he switched it out." Veronica sits her mouth open in shock,

"All this time." I nod,

"All this time," I repeat taking another sip of my water,

"I think what you and Carl are doing is crazy, I do. But, the love you two have for each other is unbelievable, since this is clearly something you really want, I will support you no matter what, we can even turn the guest room into a nursery." She suggest and I shake my head,

"Maybe, if it's not too much trouble." I shrug, finishing my water. We sit in silence for a minute until I lightly yawned,

"Okay, go back to sleep, sleep is good for the baby." She nods toward my room where I hear a groan and a soft call for my name,

"Carl's up, night V, I love you." I start to walk back toward my room,

"Goodnight little sister, love you more."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now