Name Your Price

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"What-what did he say when he called you?" V asked her shaking mother,

"He said he had Y/N and Carl, picked them up from a clearing while they were having a picnic looking up at the stars, he said he want 250 thousand dollars by midnight or he's going to kill them both, if he didn't get the money at midnight until 12 the following morning he'd send us a toe every hour." Carol sobbed, leaving everyone in the kitchen shook and silent,

"Lip, Ian, still think they're pulling another all night?" Fiona smirked, running her fingers through her hair. "Where the hell are we supposed to get 250 thousand dollars from? In, 12 hours?"

V looked at Kev, "We have the money." Everyone looked toward V and,

"You two just have 250 thousand dollars laying around?" Lip asked and Kev and V nodded,

"Her dad sent me down 500 thousand dollars a couple years ago, I didn't spend it, it was dirty money, a bribe to keep me away from Y/N, I took the money pocketed it and stopped sending Y/N letters, I've felt so bad about it, she probably thought I had abandoned her, forget about her. That's not the point right now, just know we have the money, know what?"

"He told us to meet him under the 'L' at midnight."

"Okay, so now we wait." Ian sighed, "Hold on, did you hear any background noises when you talked to him earlier, Carol shook her head. "Carl's told me about G-Dog-"

"Hold on, who the hell is G-Dog?" Asked Carol,

"Carl was involved in some nasty business, G-Dog was his dealer, why do you think it's him Ian?" Lip asked playing with his hands,

"He wants money, the way he's threatening them, I don't think he's going to do it. Maybe he is a deal dealer, maybe he is crazy, maybe he has shot a few people, but I don't think he's going to do anything to hurt them. Also, the math doesn't add up, it'd be ten hours, not twelve like I said they just want the money."

"What if you're wrong? What if he hurts my baby girl because you're brother fucked up and decided to sell drugs? I don't think I want her seeing him anymore," Carl yelled pointing a finger at Lip,

"Hey, listen, we don't know if the reason they were taken was because of Carl, Carl's been out for months, they haven't contacted him or reached out, he's out, your daughter's dad is one of the richest people in the world, her face is everywhere, you can't blame that on him, he loves her, he loves that girl with all his heart." Fiona screams, tears threatening to spill, "Whatever happens, please don't stop him from seeing her. I don't know if she's the reason he wanted out, but he cares for her so please." Everyone watched Fiona vouch for Carl's love for Y/N, smiles on a few faces,

"Okay, so now we wait, 11 and half hours to go."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now