Going once, going twice, Sold! To Carl, the father...

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"Okay it's official, I'm going to be a dad." Carl smiled and I nodded,

"It's official, Carl, I'm scared," I admit and he nodded,

"I know, I'm scared too," I shook my head and looked out the window of the L,

"It's not because we're 15 about to have a baby, it's because the first I got pregnant...I lied, I didn't have an abortion, I felt too bad about aborting the baby, it wasn't his fault Brad did that too me. Carl, the first time I was pregnant I had a miscarriage three months before my due time." I gasp, tears threatening to spill, I was too scared to look at him, what would he think of me? Carl grabbed my chin and gently turned my head so I was looking at him,

"Listen, we just have to hope our baby comes out kicking ass and taking names. I know you're scared, but I'll be here with you every step of the way." He smiles a reassuring smile and gently kisses me, "I love you." He smiles putting his forehead against mine,

"I love you more."

"Impossible." He smiles, resting his head against my shoulder.


I walked into the Gallagher home, hot on Carl's tail, "How do you want to tell the others?" Carl asked as I began to raid the fridge, smiling when I find a pint of triple chocolate ice cream,

"I'll buy Debbie another pint." I laugh grabbing a spoon and digging in. "So, waiting until I'm showing is off the table?" Carl sighs,

"Yes, it's off the table babe? Any other ideas?" I shrug taking another bite of the ice cream,

"Okay, when my dad got my mom pregnant, he knew his parents wouldn't accept it so he pretended to throw this party invited everyone to it and when everyone got there they realized it was a baby shower, but my mom at least four months, I'm barely one, we'd have to wait a few months." Carl nodded it, sipping his beer,

"Why is everything you do so expensive?" I laugh and shrug,

"It's not even expensive, five grand at the most, promise." Carl shook his head,

"Something simple, something cheap, but still cute and a party, Gallaghers always party." I nod and finish the last bite of the ice cream,

"I'm down for a party, gender reveal will have to wait a few months." I shrug placing my hand on still small stomach,

"No, just a party to tell everyone we're pregnant, then a gender reveal party. Deal?" He sticks his hand out and I shake it,


Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now