The Truth Can't Be Hidden

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"I call my witness, Y/N Johnson to the stand, please." My aunt, Carl's lawyer calls me to the stand, she hands me the bible,

"I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I smile and soothe my skirt out as I took a sit,

"Hello, Ms.Johnson, how are you this morning?"

"I'm fine, just want this over with." I smile softly and she mouths, it will be, to me.

"Okay, you understand why you're here right?"

"Yes, my ass of an ex is suing my boyfriend."

"Ms.Johnson, watch your language, please. Anyway, Ms.Johson what can you tell me about Brandon Rockwell?"

"He's a jack- oh sorry, he's rude, inconsiderate, and a rapist." Everyone in the court hushes and the smirk on Brandon's face falls,

"I'm sorry Ms.Johnson what do you mean?" I take a deep breath,

"I brought some papers, I'd like them to be used as evidence, this will help provide the very justified reason Carl beat Brandon's ass. The papers are in my chair." I nod to the chair next to V, who picks them up,

"Your honor, you can't allow this." Brandon's lawyer exclaims and the Judge looks at me and then at my Lawyer,

"I'm sorry Ms.Kline, I will allow it." V hands the papers to my lawyer,

Misty, my lawyer, looks through the papers and when she gets to the pictures she cringes and looks back at Brandon, who shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "Here in my hands I have a rape kit, this is Y/N's rape kit from two years ago, she tested positive to being raped by Mr.Rockwell and multiple others..." I close my eyes trying to blink away my tears, "Also, there are pictures of her body after the fact," She holds the first picture up and the court gasps, as does Brandon's lawyer, the first picture was my wrist, he tied them down with rope, the second picture was the cuts and bruises over my arms and legs, come cuts healed and some remain scars, I had gotten over them awhile ago accepting them as a part of who I was now, the third picture was my face, he had broken my nose, split my lip and there was a cut above my eyebrow, I may have underexaggerated the story to Carl,

"What the hell?" Kev asked becoming frustrated.

"Ms.Johnson, uh, Ms.Johnson, why have you given these to me?"

"I wanted everyone to see the type of guy Brandon was, what he could do. This is why Carl beat his ass the other day because of what he did to me." Hot tears now rolled down my cheeks and although I tried to stop them I couldn't. "The real story of what happened is, Brandon, played like I was the prettiest girl in the world and I believed him, we went on a date, after the date we did go on a yacht but that's not where it happened, and Carl," I look to him, and there were tears in his eyes, "I didn't tell you the story, not the true story.After the yacht ride, we went to Brandon's friend's, his name is Justin Weatherman, as you'll see he is on the list, at Justin's we had fun and danced and all the guys were drunk but one, Avery, he and I were also close. Anyway, being the only girl there would stir up problems, the guys had begun to get touchy, they ordered Avery to tie me up and they took turns raping me, they sat as one guy did it laughing, mocking how I was crying, how I was screaming, mocking how helpless I was. They had gotten upset I was begging them to stop so Brandon told them he had a way to shut me up and begin to punch and slap me in the face, the cuts were made by nails, and with the blades of switch knives, it was the worst night of my life." I sob, my body shaking violently,

"Thank you Ms.Johnson, you can come down from the stand now," I shook my head and looked at Brandon's lawyer,

"You think you can sue me, I own you and him, I'll see you in court with a jury." I then step down from the stand and into Veronica's arms as the judge rules Brandon cannot sue as Carl acted in self-defense.

"Come here," Veronica sobbed holding me close as everyone hugged me, finally Carl broke through, Everyone filing into the aisle,

"Oh, my God, I love you so much." Carl sobbed, holding me into his chest,

"I love you more." I smile grabbing both his hands, "Now let's go eat, I'm starving."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now