Guess Who's Back!!

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I growl and he chuckles lightly,

"Just like your dad, my dad got into some trouble, I'm living with my step-brother and his wife, it's so nice to see you again." He goes to hug me but I push him away,

"Babe what are you doing? why do you want to hug that pregnant skank?" Dominque sneers and I dryly chuckle, flipping her the finger,

"Says the bitch with Gonorrhea." Brandon pushes her away a little and focuses on me again,

"What's been up? How have you been?" I stare at him shaking in anger until I hear Carl's voice,

"Y/N, can we please talk?" He runs to me and Dominque and Brandon and notices me shaking in anger, "What's wrong?"

"'Carl I hope you and your little girlfriend are having fun, this is my new boyfriend Brandon, just wanted to let you know, I'm over you." Carl looks at the guy then back at me,

"Is this Brandon, Brandon?" I nod as tears spill,

Carl wastes no time and throws a punch, Brandon's weak ass crumbling to the floor, Dom squealed and stepped back, "What the hell Carl stop!" Carl's fist begin to fly into Brandon's face until his knuckles were bloodied and cut,

"Babe! Babe! Baby, stop!" I cry trying to pull him off, but it's no use until Carl feels he's had enough. He stands up and looks down at Brandon who's whimpering and crying covering his head,

"What the hell?" Dom exclaimed falling to the floor, cradling Brandon's head,

"You two deserve each other, oh, by the way, your boyfriend's a fucking rapist." Carl spits on Brandon and begins to storm away, I follow close behind as he leads me out the school, "I'm so pissed, I'm shaking, I'm most definitely expelled,"

"Thanks for that." We walk back toward home, "I'm still pissed at you though. A bet? Do you even really love me?" Carl stops and grabs my face, his thumbs wiping my tears,

"I fucking love you with all my heart, don't ever question that, here sit, let me explain." We sat and he wrapped his arms around me, "I did make a bet, but the bet was to get you to fall in love with me. Jason's an asshole and after you left I punched him, I don't think we're friends anymore, anyway, I made a bet with the boys that a beautiful girl, who could have any boy she wanted in the world wouldn't fall in love with south side trash like me." I pull away and smack his chest,

"You're not south side trash, you're the love of my life." He smiles and I kiss him, "I guess you lost then because I'm so in love with you and it hurts." I kiss him again and he looks back toward the direction of the school,

"He's going to try to sue me." I nod,

"Don't worry, I got your back, let's go home."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now