Stay The Night With Me

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"If you guys don't mind, I want Carl to stay the night with me, I don't want to be alone." I look at v and Kev who shrug,

"After this, you guys deserve it, it's fine with me, you, Fi?" Fiona nodded,

"Yeah, sure of course." I smile over at Carl and pull him in the house,

"So, we get to sleep together?" Carl wagged his brows as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head, pulling his pants off, "If V walked in right now, she'd kill me." I look back at Carl, winking at him as I pull my shirt over my head, I unhook my bra and slid it off my arms,

"I mean, I think she'd be more upset if she walked in on this," I bend over pulling my panties down my legs, kicking them to the side, I hear Carl take a deep breath and I smile to myself. I crawl onto the bed, under the covers, turning to my side, "I'm tired, goodnight." Carl shifts in the bed and soon enough I feel him against my back,

"Look what you've down to me baby girl, you going to leave me like this?" He ask, bucking his hard-on against my ass,

"I don't know, babe, I mean, I'm pretty tired." Carl runs his hand up and down my thigh,

"I'll do all the work." Carl rasps in my ear, fingers finding their way to clit, that throbbed in arousal. He rubbed soft gentle circles on my clit, kissing random spots on my neck, "You like that baby?" I nod, trying to hold back a moan, Carl stops and lifts my leg, draping it over his leg, his fingers return to rubbing circles on my clit, he slips a finger in, then another pumping them in and out at a quickening pace, he rubs the palm of his hand against my clit, my hips bucking to meet his hand, trying to push him further inside of me, I gripped his wrist and dug my nails into his skin,

"Fuck, Carl. I'm cumming." I whimper, as I death grip his wrist, moving my leg to clench my thighs around his hand, as I rode out my high.

"Good girl, good girl." Carl smirk, licking the shell of my ear, "Now," He paused and shifted in bed pulling his briefs down to throw them in the corner, "May I?" He lifts my leg and places the tip of his cock at my entrance,

"God, yes, please." Before I finish my sentence, Carl pushes into me and I bite my pillow. Carl chuckles and picks up his pace, the sound of skin slapping filling the room, the only reason, V or Kev or Lana weren't banging on my door, is because they were upstairs involved in their own thrupple things. "Carl, god, yes." I moaned, Carl hid his face in my neck and begin to suck a patch of his skin, his hips never slowing.

"God, baby, your pussy feels so good." Carl moaned, "I'm close Y/N, fuck, I'm close."

"Me too, so close." I whimpered reaching around the grab the back of his head, fingers scratching his scalp, "Dammit, I'm cumming." I clenched around his cock, shuddering as I cum, Carl following shortly behind, it takes him a few seconds before he pulls out and rolls onto his back, breathing heavily as he light laughed,

"I can't believe I just did that. God, that sex was amazing. Thanks for that, that was the first time since you know." Carl wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head and we fell asleep just like that.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now