Dinner and a kiss

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I jumped off the bed, staring at V and Kev who awkwardly waved at us, "We totally did not have our ears up to the door listening to your whole conversation..." V gasped and slapped Kev's chest,

"Really, Kev?" I looked at Carl who stared at Kev and V like a deer caught in headlights,

"What are you two doing? Eavesdropping?!" I screech, throwing my hands over my head,

"Sorry?" V said, shrugging,

"How much did you hear?" I ask, playing with my fingers,

"'Everything," Kev sighs,

"You know what? We're all just going to forget this happened, nobody brings it up...ever again, okay?"


"Yeah, sure."

"Yeah, of course."

"Great, now Kev, V, goodnight." I wave them out the door and close it behind him, "Crap." I sigh plopping down on the bed and crawling under the covers,

"Well, I'll be going-"

"No. Please, stay." I reach out for him and help him under the covers, "I don't want to be alone tonight." I sigh as I lift his arm and put it around my shoulders, laying my head on his chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.


When I woke up, I was alone in the bed, I sat up and looked around the room. I climbed to the end of the bed to find Carl's shoes still on the floor, so he didn't leave. I stood up and stretching, scratching my back as I walked out my room, to be met with the smiling faces of all the Gallagher kids and Kev and V, "What the hell?" I ask, yawning stretching my arms over my head,

"We cooked you breakfast, " Carl smiled, as he joined me and guided me to the kitchen table where there was french toast, pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage,

"All for little ole me?" Everyone laughed as they sat at the table that barely fit everyone, "Thanks, guys, this means so much, I'll even do the dishes." Everyone cheered for that one and continued to eat. "Okay, listen up," I stood up, and hit my spoon against my glass, "Before I left home, I took a lot of stuff, my clothes, my money, my credit cards, but most importantly my dad's credit cards, I want to take every single one of you to dinner tonight, pick the most expensive restaurant in town, it's on me. Dress casual but cute."


We had all agreed on a restaurant named Alinea, I finished my makeup and put my hair up, I slipped on my sandals and grabbed a black shaw, just in case it got cold

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We had all agreed on a restaurant named Alinea, I finished my makeup and put my hair up, I slipped on my sandals and grabbed a black shaw, just in case it got cold. "I'm ready." I walked out to find V fixing Kev's tie, "You two look amazing, let's go, our reservations are in an hour." I followed Kev and V outside locking the door behind me,

"Fiona said they'll meet us at the restaurant." The drive to the restaurant was about forty-five minutes away and Fiona and the rest of them had beat us there,

"Let's go in." We walked into the restaurant, turning heads, "Hello, reservations for Johnson," The person immediately guided us to our tables, "Thank you." I sat, Carl sat next to me, V on the other side, next to V was Kev, then Fiona, then Debbie, Franny's carriage next to her, then Lip, Ian, and Liam was next to Carl, "Don't forget, all on me, order whatever you want."


After dinner, we all went to the park and just ran around in the dark, playing all kinds of different games, with tag being my favorite, as I was a track star and almost impossible to catch, although Fiona had no trouble catching me the few times she was it. I stood at the bridge, trying to catch my breath, lookin over the rushing waters, "It's beautiful." I hear someone say, I turn to find Carl, who joined me, looking over the water,

"Yeah, it is." I smile and Carl looks down and takes my hand in his.

"Thanks for dinner tonight, I didn't get the chance to tell you, how beautiful you look." I smile, biting my bottom lip,

"Thanks, C-" He cuts me off, hand on the back of my neck, lips against mine, I was taken back but kissed back. Carl pulled away first lightly laughing, "That was amazing." I smile, and take his hand in mine again,

"Y/N, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" He took a deep breath,

"I've decided to go to military school."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now