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"Where the hell have you two been?" Fiona yelled as soon as she spotted us, her and Veronica rushing over toward us. Fiona engulfed Carl into her arms and I held my arms out hugging Veronica as she squeezed me,

"We were so worried." Veronica cried, she let me go and begin to yell at me, "Where the hell have you been? You don't have a fun for no reason, I've been calling you all night, Kev and I went out looking for you last night!"

"Carl and I stayed at his friend's house, then this morning Carl and I went out to have greasy burgers at this place named Patsy's Pies, they were actually pretty good." Veronica sighed,

"I wanted to be mad, but I'm glad you had fun, Carl thank you for watching out for her, now come on, I made pancakes." Veronica dragged me back to her house, Fiona doing the same with Carl, "Hey, officers, we found them, thanks for all your help."

After everything had died down, Veronica, Kev, Fiona went out, making Ian, Lip, Debbie, Carl and I promise that we'd stay out of trouble and in the house. "So let me get this right, you and Carl were out all night getting wasted?" Ian laughed taking a swig of her beer,

"Basically, but I don't remember anything, at all." I laughed, and Carl looked over at me,

"You don't remember dirty dancing with me?" My eyes widen as well as Ian and Lip's, "I mean, my hands up your skirt, all the things you whispered in my ear, I mean damn ma." I slap his chest,

"I was drunk, I'm not owning up to anything under the influence." i laugh and Carl shakes his head just like this morning,

"Own your shit."

It was around three in the morning and the adults still weren't home, Carl and I were the only ones up with the exception of Debbie upstairs with Franny. Carl and I sat on the couch, his head in my lap, my fingers running through his braids, nails scraping his scalp. "Y/N, do you remember what you said to me last night before we crashed, like right before?" I look down at him,

"No. Why? Do you?"

"Yeah, I don't even know how it's like one of the only other things I remember beside dancing and drinking and more dancing." I laugh,

"Okay, I'll bite, what did I say?" Carl sat up and turn so his legs were crossed but he faced me, he played with his fingers in his lap.

"You said, you have such a hard time learning to trust people because of your last boyfriend, and how he, uh, well yeah." My breath caught in my throat,

"Did I say anything else?" I ask, tears threatening to spill, my hands beginning to shake,

"Yeah, actually, you said you had a pregnancy scare after the thing and you tested positive and had to get an abortion. Y/N, I'm so sorry." Hot tears roll down my cheeks and I stand up, slipping on my converse, hands wiping my tears, "Y/N please don't leave, I didn't mean to-"

"Carl it's fine, I just-I can't talk about this right now." I shrug my jacket on and pull my house keys out my pocket, "Thanks for today, I really had a lot of fun, uh, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Carl."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now