Requiem for a slut

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Today was the day of the funeral, I readjusted Carl's tie, patting his chest, "You look so handsome, under the circumstances." He smiles a small smile and I turn to let him zip my dress up.

"You look very beautiful under the circumstances." Carl whispers, moving my braids to the said and kissing my neck,

"Thank you, let's go, I don't want you to be late." I grab his hand and lead him out my room, "V, we're ready."


We arrived at the church, and I went to sit in the back but Carl shook his head, pulling me to the front. "I need you up here with me." I smiled and sat next to him, holding his hand in my lap. Monica looked beautiful, wearing her wedding dress, her casket was nice, and her flowers were beautiful. Everyone got up there and told their happiest memory of her, not letting her go down like a piece of shit, people thought she was. Fiona was the last one, reading an excerpt from a book, explaining why she read it and how she didn't even know what it meant. That was it until Frank stood up,

"No, not yet..." After the funeral, Carl went with Frank, I don't know what they went to do, but Carl said it was something they had to do alone. I went with V, Kev, and Svetlana, I didn't see Carl for the rest of the day.


Later that night, I laid in bed, fingers tapping my stomach, today had been long and exhausting and I was tired, I hadn't seen Carl since the funeral and he hadn't texted, I spun my phone in my other hand, waiting for a text. A few seconds later as if on cue, my phone went off. I quickly opened it, smiling at the text, it was from Carl, Sorry I haven't seen you all day or texted, my dad needed me. I want to make it up to you, and then there was a knock at my window, I hopped up and shrugged on my robe and house slippers, "I'm coming, I'm coming." I open my door and hop out the window,

"I was going to bring the picnic to you, looks like you want to get out of the house, though." I laugh,

"I didn't know you were the romantic, picnic type," I say as we start to walk,

"I'd be anything for you." In one hand he held the picnic basket and in the other my hand,

"Where are we going?" He shrugs,

"Somewhere to have our picnic." We walked a few more minutes until we came to this clearing, "Here we go, you think?" I nodded, he let go of my hand and set the basket down and pulled out this blanket, laying it on the ground, I sit and begin looking through the basket, I find a bag of grapes and smile,

"My favorite." I smiled, popping a few into my mouth,

"I know, I also brought, you some french toast." He pulled out a bag of french toast, and a bottle of syrup.

"My god, you really do listen." We sat on the blanket, feeding each other foods, just talking, after we finished the last of the food in the basket, we laid down and looked up at the stars,

"Look at these two, out at ten enjoying the stars and shit." Carl and I sat up to find this group of men,

"Who the hell are they Carl?" I whispered holding onto his arm, eyeing the group of men watching us.

"I see you got you a new bitch, what happened to Dom?" I gulped,

"Carl?" Carl looked over at me, terror definite on his face,

"This is G-Dog."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now