Who's Your Daddy?

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It was August sixteen, the day before school started again, I was three months pregnant, a small bump forming. You're probably trying to work out the math let me do it for you. I got pregnant in June, it's August, (I had to work it out too). I was doing some back to school shopping, with Carl. "Babe, I don't know why you insist on buying such expensive things." He whines as he pushes the cart, my hand rubbing my small bump as I continue to throw cute blouses into the cart, "You know you're about to get bigger?" I turn to him and flip him off,

"Yes, I know that Jackass. That's why my blouses are three sizes up." He puts his hand up in the air in mock surrender and laughs.

"Sorry baby."

"I accept your apology, now, do you want anything?" Carl shook his head,

"Boy, if you don't quit it, get what you want, it's all on my daddy." I smile and he nods,

"I'm your daddy baby." I roll my eyes as we continue to walk through the store,

"What should we name the baby? I was thinking Allexis for a girl, Jamal for a boy." I look back at Carl who shrugs, "Oh, I know you've been thinking about baby names, tell me what you've thought of, please."

"Okay, okay, I was thinking Halsey or Darilynn." He smiles sheepishly,

"What about boy names?"

"Well, I'm kind of hoping for a baby girl and I'm kind of hoping she looks just like her mother." I stare at him,

"Stop being cute, you're going to make me cry." I laugh and he smiles,

"Look, I think you got enough stuff, want to go out to eat? It is on daddy." He smirks and bends down kissing my small baby bump.

"Yeah, I could really go for a double bacon burger." I smile coyly, wagging my brows, "Let's go."


I sat in the booth basically scarfing down my burger, "You're so beautiful," Carl smiles as he sneaks a quick picture,

"Delete it or I'll kill you." He shakes his head, clicking things on his phone, he turns it off and turns it to me, it turns on and shows the picture, "Well, at least it's cute." Carl smiles,

"I agree one hundred and ten percent." I take another bite of my burger before two older women walk over to us,

"Hi, are you pregnant?" The blonde one ask,

"Yeah, she's pregnant. Got a problem with it?"

The two women put their hands up, "She just looks so young, why would you want to ruin your life?" I glare at them,

"Fuck off." I smile, and they laugh,

"Look, honey, have the baby all you want, we have an offer. After you have the baby, we want to buy it from you. Just name your price." I look at Carl with a, 'are you hearing this shit' look. I hold up a finger and pull my wallet out my coach bag making sure they see it, I open it and pick out the picture of me and my dad, I show the two the picture,

"See that man..." I trial off,

'Yeah, it's Richard Johnson..."

"Third richest man in the world."

I nod, "Yeah, he's my dad, so, take your fucking money and let me and my boyfriend eat in peace." I flip them the bird and they gasp before storming off,

"Damn babe, you're fierce." I shrug, eating another fry,


Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now