Make it official

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I slept in Carl's bed, I woke up wearing his sweatshirt, falling asleep to his scent, dammit, I was falling for that boy. I woke up to the smell of bacon and cheers, what the hell? I hopped out of his bed and made my way downstairs, "Carl?!" I screeched rushing down the rest of the stairs and into his arms, he lifts me up, my legs around his waist, "I missed you so much," I was so excited I could cry, I pull my face out his neck and kiss him, hands grasping at the back of his head as if I let go, I'd wake up and it'd all be a dream,

"I miss you too, Y/N." Carl laughed, setting me down,

"Well, damn, okay." We looked over to everyone who sat at the table,

"Oh, so you're a chef now?" I tease pushing his shoulder, before stealing a piece of bacon, he shrugs,

"I guess." I smile,

"Good, because I'm starving." I join the others at the table and they all just look at me expectingly as Carl continues to cook, "What?" Carl finished breakfast and we ate, and talked about his time at military school, avoiding the real reason he was back so soon,

"Okay Carl breakfast was delicious,But, we've all been avoiding the elephant in the room, I want to have mom's funeral tomorrow, so I'm going down to the funeral home, Carl, Lip, Ian, I need you to go get your suits, I'll see you all tonight." Fiona stands and jogs upstairs leaving us all staring at each other in silence.

Everyone split their own ways, leaving Carl and I home alone, we were doing the dishes, Carl silent. "Carl I know you're hurt, I've heard the stories, Monica seemed like a real bitch, but she's dead, now and no matter what she did, she deserves to have all her kids there." Carl smiled,

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" I dry my hands on the dish towel,

"Yeah, sure. Ask me anything." Carl took a deep breath, chewing on his bottom lip,

"Why so nervous?" I laugh teasingly,

"Okay, here I go, Y/N would you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I jumped into his arms again,

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."


Carl had asked me to come with him to get his suit, "Okay, gray or black?" Carl shrugs as I hold the coats up to him, comparing them to his skin complexion.

"Okay, truth is I was going to wear my military outfit, I just need to get you out here to talk you on a real date, on me." I smiled and took his hand, pulling him out of the suit shop,

"Ma'ma did you not see anything you like?"

"Yeah, a few suits, I'll be back later, put them up for me."

"Okay, where do you want to go?"


I got to choose where we went and I had never been to an IHOP, so that's where I chose to go. "I still can't believe you've never been to an IHOP. I cut my french toast that was covered in strawberries and strawberry syrup,

"My dad made it seem like it was only a place, poor people could go, like what the fuck?" I laugh, taking a sip of my apple juice,

"I'm learning so many things about you, I like it." Carl laughed as he cut into his french toast, taking a couple bites of out it, then taking a sip of his apple juice too. He stared at me for a couple minutes,

"I got something on my face?" Carl laughs as I wipe my face,

"No, it's just- god, you're so beautiful."I smile and try to hide my face, "Don't. Please, you're so beautiful, let me see." He pushes my hands from my face and I giggled,

"Stop! Stop it, Carl!"

Carl stopped, the smile on his face still wide, as he grabbed both my hands, "Maybe I'm just glad, I can officially call you mine." He whispered kissing my knuckles.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now