Stories about the old gal

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"Yeah, baby!" Frank yelled, guzzling down his red wine, he and Monica just had one of the craziest weddings I had ever seen, they even punched each other in the face, but as we dance around in the living room, pouring back drink after drink that had been laced by Frank or Monica, point is every adult was just as equal as the children, even Debbie had come after moving out with her disabled boyfriend, I don't even remember his name. "Debs, here, drink some more." I laugh, pouring some more wine into her mouth, "Good girl." I laugh, grabbing her chin and kissing her, I pull away and she laughs,

"Wow, that was my first time kissing a girl." Debbie grabs my face and kisses me again, I snake my arms around her waist and giggle against her lips,

"You're not the first girl I've kissed, but you're one of the best." She blushes, cheeks red.

"Thank you."

That's how the night went on, the music loud, drinking, and dancing, we had a blast, each of us able to make it upstairs to a room, whether or not it was theirs. I woke up in Fiona's room. "What the hell?" I had no shirt on and my socks were gone. I sat up and stood from the bed, scratching the back of my neck as I rushed downstairs to find Frank over Monica trying to give her CPR, "What happened?" Fiona looked at me as she pulled out her phone,

"She's not responding. Hello, yes, I need an ambulance to-" I zoned off as she said the address, and dropped down beside Frank and Monica feeling for a pulse, it was faint but it was there,

"Tell them to hurry, she still has a chance."


Fiona, Kev, V, Svetlana, Debbie, Lip, Ian and I sat in the waiting room, Monica had been under for an hour, "Fiona Gallagher, may I talk to you? Lip and Ian got up, "I'm sorry Miss.Gallagher, we did all we could be we couldn't save Monica."



We all made it home safe, the car ride back silent, we all decided to go to Fiona's. We all sat at the table and talked about Monica, and went through her things, her kids saying how much they hated and despised her, "I know I don't have a say in this but was she that bad?" Lip, Ian, Fiona and Debbie looked at me, and started to laugh,

"Let me tell you."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now