"We're Pregnant!" *deadpans*

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It was a week after Carl and I had gone to the clinic to confirm our pregnancy and today was the day of our, 'We're pregnant party.' "Carl, hang the streamers higher." I laugh, "How the hell did you manage to get everyone out the house?" I laugh and he shrugs,

"I said free breakfast at IHOPs soon enough they'll realize I lied and be on their way back, or soon enough they'll realize I'm up to something because I didn't go, either way, we should be done by then." I come down off the ladder, finishing hanging the banner Carl and I had made, it read, "15 and pregnant.", Carl and I thought it was funny.

"This just doesn't feel like a party, just some streamers and a banner and a cake and some food and some booze, doesn't scream party." Carl patted my shoulder softly,

"Babe you just described a party, literally. Yes, it didn't cost five thousand dollars, "At the most" but trust me when I tell you this is a party." I smile softly at him,


It was around six when everyone came back, filing into the house, catching Carl and I by complete and total surprise, "Am I reading this right?" Fiona asked, setting a doggy bag down on the counter,

"Are you seeing, 15 and Pregnant, too?" Veronica asks, Carl and I rush to our feet,

"Surprise!" We softly yell, everyone's eyes shifting from the banner to Carl and me.

"What's the surprise? You pregnant? No, no, that's not a surprise! What the hell have you two been doing?" Lip coughs,

"The jackass answer would be, having sex, fucking, getting down, getting it on, going at it." Debbie hits him in the back of the head, rolling her eyes,

"Congratulations, I was 15 and pregnant, Franny and I turned out just fine, I think it's great." Debbie smiles and I thank her, rubbing my stomach,

"I know we're young but I love Carl, and I love our baby. Can any of you tell me one reason not to keep our baby?"

"You're too young."

"How are you going to raise a baby?"

"Who will watch the baby?"

"Your vagina."

"Babies are a lot of work."

I look at my sister, "I'm 15, mom had you when she was 15, you turned out fine, mom turned out fine." I then look at Fiona, "I'm the daughter of a billionaire, a.k.a Richard Johnson, the third richest man in the world." I then look at Kev, "I know you max out three, but I have a nanny that used to watch me, she only charges 1,000 a week, I can pay her." I roll my eyes at Lip, "Vaginas actually can stretch pretty far, over time it returns to its normal size, so trust me when I tell you, next time you're having sex, don't bring up how much you stretch her out because you don't." Everyone laughs and Lip waves me off. "And, Ian, I know babies are a lot of work but I am prepared, we're prepared," I confirm grabbing Carl's hand, giving him a quick kiss. Everyone looks at us defeated,

"Well, looks like I'm not talking you out of anything. I tried with Debbie she ended up hating me, but her and Franny turned out just fine, oh food, cake, and booze, a real Gallagher party." Fiona walks toward the table of goods, Lip, and Ian following her,

"Congrats little bro." Lip punches Carl's shoulder and one arm hugs me,

"Thank you."

"I told you two to call me after you confirmed it." Ian pointed his finger and I laughed,

"I'm sorry," I say and he smiles,

"I'll forgive you as long as I get to be the godfather." Carl and I share a look, shrugging,


Kev and V get up to us and Veronica has her arms crossed, "Look, before you say-" Veronica hugs me and kisses my forehead,

"I support you, I think you're crazy as hell but I support you, and I love you." I smile,

"I love you too."

Kev nods toward me and looks at Carl grabbing his collar playfully, "You hurt her I will kill you." Carl puts his hands,

"I would never, I love her." Kev smiles and soothes his shirt,

"Alright then, let's party!"

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now