Carl's Old Friend

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I looked at the guy in the front, "Fuck you." I spit and he laughed, pulling out a gun ad slapping me across the face with it,

"I'm not going to kill you, I know who your daddy is and I know I can get a lot of money for you." He grabs my forearm and pulls me up off the ground, pulling me into his chest, "Grab ole white boy there, we got to get moving in case someone drives by."


Carl and I had our hands cuffed behind our backs and duct tape over our mouths, blindfolds over our eyes and then we were shoved into the back of a van or a truck, something spacey. I heard them talking about where to take us and what to do with Carl, the ride was about two hours long and the truck or van we were in stopped, and Carl and I were pulled out the back. "You want them in different rooms or-"

"Put em together."

I was sat in a chair and my legs were strapped to the legs of a chair, my hands uncuffed and cuffed again behind the chair, the blindfold was pulled down my face and the tape ripped from my mouth, as soon as I could see, I spit on the nearest guy's shoes receiving a slap across the face for it,

"Harder."I laugh, spitting blood onto his shoes,

"Stop! Please! Don't hurt her." Carl yelled receiving a hit across the face with the same pistol he had hit me with earlier,

"Carl, I can take a few hits, do me a favor and keep it shut, I'd hate to see them ruin that pretty little face of yours." I smile a bloody smile at her,

"Damn Gallagher, I guess I had it wrong, you're her bitch." Carl presses his lips, and shakes his head,

"Stop calling her a bitch, G-Dog, you're better than this." I rolled my eyes and shook my head,

"Carl, honey, ignore his mommy issues." Another hit, I smile a bloody smile at them,

"Harder." The who had slapped me back up and looked over to this, 'G-Dog',

"Yo, this bitch is crazy." I innocently bat my eyes, snapping my teeth at him,

"Let us go,"I say, and the two men laugh, their posse behind them sharing a look before joining in on the laughter.

"Sweetheart, like G-Dog, said, we're keeping you and we're once your dad pays the ransom, we'll let you go."

"Aren't you worried I'll snitch?" They shook their heads,

"Ou boy Carl's been out for months never snitched, south side rules." I nod, clicking my tongue,

"I have some bad news for you, my dad, he's broke, nothing, nada, broke." It wasn't completely a lie, but it was somewhat the truth., we had all our money. it was just frozen, "Yeah and when you call make sure to use the area code, 873 and make it quick the calls only last a couple minutes."

"Shit! Your dad is in jail?" I nod and G-Dog and his little friend turn and start to have a heated discussion.

"Well, you have some money somewhere, what about your ma?"

"702-673-2476, Ask for Louis, he has a two for one special, I bet he could fit you and your friend in." Another slap this time with the pistol, which knocked me out cold.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now