Public Pool

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I woke up the next morning to kisses being peppered across my face. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Carl laughed, and I swatted at him, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him down on top of me, I grab the back of his head and begin to suckle at his skin, I pull away to reveal a small pink mark,

"I can do better than that." I put another spot and sink my teeth into his skin harshly sucking, after a minute I pull away and smile at the large purple mark forming, "Another." I pick another pack of skin, creating another hickey. "Two's enough when girl's see that, they won't want to touch you, now what should we do on this warm early morning?" I ask, leaning up to kiss Carl, he smiles and leans down to kiss me,

"Have you ever been to a public pool?" I ,

"Hell no." He climbs off of,

"Hop your pretty little ass in the shower, grab your bathing suit and let's head down to the public pool." I looked at him, "Don't look so worried, I'll be there to protect you, now up! Up! Up!" He got dressed and rushed out my room, "Wait, I forgot," he rushed back in gave me a quick kiss and laughed, "Okay, I'll be back in forty-five minutes, you better be ready...or else."


I checked myself out in the mirror, "Damn girl, you fine." I winked at myself, turning to find Carl standing in the doorway, laughing at me,

"You are fine though so no complaining there, okay, let's go." He stuck his head out and I followed him out my room, flicking the lights off and closing the door behind me.

"Off to the public pool we go."


Upon arriving at the pool, I notice all the people, "Usually to get into my pool you had to pay a hundred bucks a pop." Carl raises his brows as he guides me through the gates of the pool, no heads turned like at my pool, everyone just went on about their business.

"Okay come on," He leads me to two empty beach chairs, I laid my towel on one of them and laid down, "Oh, no you don't, let's go, up!" He grabs my hand and takes me glasses off tucking them into my bag, "We're getting a little wet." He brings me to the edge of the pool and I watch the many children play,

"Okay, toes in first." I take a deep breath and deep my toes in,

"Please don't hate me!" Is all I hear before I'm pushed into the pool,

"I hate you so much." I laugh when I resurface, Carl jumps in beside me.

He swims away and comes back with a floating, "The best part about the public pool are the shared floaties." He helps me into the floatie and kick my feet at him, splashing him,

"That's for pushing me in." Carl and I swam until he was hungry, we climbed out the pool feeding the floatie back to the other kids. I went back to our chairs, picking up my bag, I notice my glasses aren't in there. I look around to find two girls giggling and looking at me until I catch their eyes and they look away,

"Babe, what's wrong?" I shrug my bag over my shoulder and march over to the two girls,

"My glass please?" I put my hand out and wait for them to give me back my sunglasses,

"What the hell are you doing over her? What glasses are you talking about?" Ask the blonde girl as she pushes my glasses up her face,

"Holly just give her the damn sunglasses."

I turn to Carl, "You know her?" He nods,

"She's an ex." I nod and snatch my glasses from her head, stuffing them into my bag, I then take a fist full of her long blonde hair and I pull her head, back,

"Touch my shit again, I will fuck you up." I growl, letting her go, "Let's go, babe." I smile taking Carl's hand leading him to the concession stand. 

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now