Patsy's Pies

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Jake loaned me a hoodie and Carl and I headed out, "Why couldn't Jake just give us a ride?" I asked disgustedly as we climbed onto the L, Carl shrugged,

"Something about having to pick up his kid brother from soccer practice." Carl lays his jacket down on a seat and offers it to me, I sit down thanking him,

I look through my purse and grab my phone, it was dead, "Veronica's going to have my ass." I laugh shaking my head, "I screwed it up." I laugh, putting my phone back in my purse,

"Trust me, Veronica's seen it all, she'll understand," Carl looks around and a bulb goes off in his head as he stands and puts his hand out, I take it, grabbing his jacket, "We've already stayed out all night, what can a few more hours hurt? I'm going to take you to get the greasy burger ever, helps with hangovers."


Carl had taken me to a place called Patsy's Pies, Fiona worked here but she didn't come in until night, so we were in the clear. "Hi, hello, I'll take two of your double bacon burgers with two large fries and two large cokes, thanks." The waitress writes our order down quickly and promises a quick return. "There's a plug down here, to charge your phone." I handed him my phone and my charger, he plugs it in and it turns on, "Shit, V's called 26 times and Kev's called 17, you have so many texts." He hands me my phone and I unlock it, scrolling through the messages Kev and V sent me, one reading,

"Bring you ass home, girl."
"You are so grounded"
"Okay, we won't ground you just please call us."

I turn my phone off and lay it face down, "I just want to enjoy a greasy burger and some fries, I don't want to deal with that just yet." Carl laughs,

"I feel you, so you remember anything from last night?" I tap my chin,

"Uh, a few things. I remember us, dancing, very sexually." I laugh and Carl's cheeks light up, "I also remember streaking, and kissing Jake and Alyssa, can't remember what the hell happened to Dom, though." Carl plays with his fingers,

"'She left after we started dancing." I scoff,

"Was little miss perfect, jealous of me?" Carl nods,

"Appears so, I could care less, though, she's such a bitch." The waitress brings our food out and we begin to eat,

"Why do you date her then?" Carl shakes his head as he puts ketchup and mustard onto his burger.

"We don't date, she cheated on me, she's got gonorrhea, I'm not letting that skank anywhere near my dick." I choke on a fry,

"Oh my god, Carl!" I laugh, shaking my head, taking a sip of my coke, "That's crazy, though. Why does she keep trying to get with you, though, call her the fuck off." Carl shakes his head as he takes a bite of his burger,

"I've tried, the bitch is persistent, I don't even think she likes me, just wants what I have." He says as he chews his food and I gag,

"Close your mouth or chew with it close at least, no manners."

"I'm sorry. Hey, is the burger working?" I nod, taking the last bite of the burger,

"Like a charm, hey, uh thanks for this, and thanks for last night, I don't remember half the shit that happened but by most of what I remember it was fun," Carl smirks,

"I'm glad you had a good time, but you know Veronica might literally kill us when she finds out about our night." I shrug,

"It was worth it, I've never had so much fun at a party I've been invited too and one time this kid named Harold invited me onto his yacht."

"A yacht?" I nod,

"We sat around talking about our parent's riches and drank cranberry drink."

"God! That sounds terrible." I nod finishing my coke,

"Okay, finish up, I'll pay, but we should be heading home." I pull my wallet out and Carl shakes his head pulling out a stack of money,

"My treat."


I had gotten more calls from Kev and V then I had money as we made our way back home. We rounded the corner of our street, police cars in the front of our house and Carl and I shared look, "We're screwed."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now