A visit to the clinic

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"Carl, give me the stick." I snatch it from him and look at it and sure enough, it was two fainted two lines, "Fuck." I sigh,

"What's wrong with you two?" Ian asked as he plopped down the stairs and to the fridge pulling out a thing of orange juice,

Carl and I share a look, I trust him, I mouth and Carl nods, Carl grabs the stick from me and shows it to Ian, who moves around the counter, squinting as he stares down at the lines, "Double lines mean positive." Carl explains and Ian nods,

"Shit," Ian laughs, "You guys going to keep it?" I shrug,

"I don't see why not, I have enough money to take care of a baby, I love Carl, I love taking care of Franny..." I trail off,

"You two are 15 though." Carl and I nod, "You don't see the problem with that?"

"I can go to school pregnant. I have a nanny that used to work with me, believe it or not, she's from Chicago, sweetest women I know. She'd watched the baby for us, my dad paid her a 1000 dollars a week, I can give her 1,000 too."

"That's 4,000 dollars a month, I'd quit my job and watch the baby." I laugh at Ian,

"Okay, my sister is always talking about some clinic? We need to schedule an appointment there just to check, make sure." Carl nods,

I pull out my phone and dial up the nearest clinic, "Yes, hello, my name is Y/N Johnson, I just took a pregnancy test, I and my boyfriend just wanted to come and make sure, when is your schedule next clear?" I wait a few seconds and hear typing on a keyboard, "Yes, yes, today? Wow! Really? Okay, yeah, yeah, thanks! Thanks so much!" I hang up the phone and look up, Carl and Ian looking at me expectedly, "Today, at three." I look at the time on my phone, "Shit, we got thirty minutes,"

Ian laughs, "I could get in trouble for this but since Y/N's my fave, I can drive you two down in the ambulance and turn on the sirens?"

"Hell yeah."


We cut a thirty-minute drive in half with Ian driving like a mad man. "Okay, I got to go to work, but as soon as you know for sure call me."

"Will do!" I give him a thumbs up as I take Carl's hand in my other one, "Let's do this?"

The doctor asked me routine questions and then asked me to pee in a cup, "Can we have the results back today?" The doctor nodded at Carl, walking out the room,

"I'll be right back." Carl and I waited for about an hour before the doctor walked back in, chart in hand, "I don't know if this is good or bad news for you, but it's positive, Ms.Johnson, you're pregnant."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now