It isn't so bad

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I was woken up with a bucket of cold water to my face, "God dammit! I'm up." I was still tied to the chair, hands still behind my back, "You could have at least tied us to chairs with cushions, my ass hurts." Carl laughs and G-Dog hits him with the gun, "Stop!Stop hitting him you piece of shit." I spit and he's hit again,

"You like getting hit, probably get off on it, but Carl, I bet Carl doesn't like getting hit for his bitch running her mouth so if I were you, I'd shut the hell up." G-Dog's right-hand man said,

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head, they were a bunch of pussies. "Anyway, we called your mom, told her if we didn't get a quarter of a million dollars by midnight, we'd send her a toe or something. I chuckled, "Now, Lawrance untie them, we're not inhumane, we still have to feed you. We got ham, turkey, peanut butter, jelly..." He started listing off things and Carl and I shared a look as our hands were uncuffed, I rubbed my wrist as did Carl,

"You serious?" He nodded,

"I know you won't run off if you try, one shot you're dead." G-Dog pointed the gun to my head and then to Carl's imitating the sound of a gun. "Now get up, I'm kind of hungry too."

Carl and I were brought up the stairs into a nice kitchen, "Just because we're thugs don't mean we can't have nice things." I nod and take a seat next to Carl, his fingers lacing with mine, he mouthed a sorry and I shook my head, I'm fine I mouthed back.

"We'll take some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, light on her jelly she doesn't like it that much.' Carl and I smiled, G-Dog pushed the jars of peanut butter and jelly toward us, before throwing Carl the bread, and a knife was slid toward us,

"We not about to make y'all sandwiches, y'all got two hands and ten fingers..for now." I pulled out the bread made Carl's sandwich, pushing it toward him before making my own, light on the jelly. We ate in silence, "Y'all want some milk, some juice, we got pop too." I asked for a glass of milk and Carl for a glass of juice, we quickly drank out drinks and pushed the glasses back toward G-Dog,


"Yeah thank you." I smile and cross my legs, grabbing Carl's hand again before we were handcuffed again,

"Look, I know I kidnapped y'all and am holding y'all for ransom but that doesn't mean I got to handcuff y'all and hit y'all, sorry about that, I just, I get carried away sometimes." He chuckled and I nodded, looking at Carl who just shrugged, "Look, I just want the money, I don't actually want to hurt you two, I mean you're kids after all-"

"Yeah, you weren't so concerned about hurting us when you were slapping the shit out of e and Carl." G-Dog nods,

"True, true but look, I got a pool out back, some swimming suits upstairs, would it make it better if I let you two swim?" Carl and I share a look, and shrug,


Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now