All Nighters

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Narrator's Point of View:

V woke up the next morning and walked down the stairs, stretching her arms over her head, she walked to Y/N's room and knock twice, when she didn't receive the usual grunt, she slowly pushed the door open, shocked to find her sister already out of bed. "Hey, V, is Y/N downstairs?" Kev asked as he walked down the stairs naked,

"If she was, she would have seen all of that." V laughed motioning toward his nakedness. "She might be over Fi's, her and Carl sneak out sometimes, but she's always back before morning."

"Is it really sneaking out if we know about it?" Kev laughs as V gets dressed,

"Well, she doesn't know that I know she sneaks out and plus it's cute, and it's not hurting anything, as long as she's happy, I'll be back, love you." V kissed Kev, yelled bye upstairs to Svetlana and rushed outside to Fiona's. V walked in to find everyone in the kitchen having breakfast, Fiona pacing the living room.

"I was just on my way over there, have you seen Carl? He told me he and Y/N were going to have a picnic and I said fine as long as you come back, V, this is like him, I'm worried." V, felt her heart drop,

"Call their phones." V pulled out her phone and dialed Y/N's number, after a few rings it went to voicemail, you've reached Y/N, and Carl please leave me, no us, a message after the tone. "Fuck, call Carl," Fiona called Carl's phone and after a few rings it went to voicemail again, This is Y/N, I've stolen Carl's phone, he didn't even know how to set up the voicemail, leave a message after the tone. "I'm going to try Y/N again, keep calling Carl, they have to answer." After V and Fiona reached double digits they grew worried,

"Last time they were at Carl's friend, uh, what the hell was his name? Jake! Jake, Lip? Ian? You know Jake's number?" Fiona asked hands shaking as Ian told her the number and she dialed it, after a few rings Jake picked up, "Yes, yes, hello? Yes, this is Fiona, have you seen Carl?" Fiona's face fell as Jake said no and she hung up,

"Why are you guys so worried? They've pulled an all nighter and didn't come back till nine the next day, at night, give it a few hours." Lip said as he put his bowl in the sink,

"No this isn't like last time, last time they were drunk, they were at a party. Nine at night Carl told me he'd be out a couple of hours, told me he'd be right back, he's changed, this isn't like him." Fiona begins to panic.

"Fi, listen to Lip, he's right." Fiona calmed down a little, she trusted Carl, she trusted Y/N, maybe Lip and Ian were right, everyone had begun to calm down until the door flew open and Carol and Kev came through the door, Kev looked scared and Carol was crying,

"Babe, what's wrong?" V asked rushing over to Kev grabbing his face, then turning to her mother, "Mom, what is it? What happened?" Carl collapsed,

"They got my baby, they got your sister!"

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