SouthSide Parties

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Tonight was the night of the party, "I don't know Y/N/N, I don't trust those kids." I groan as I finish applying my lipstick. "Don't groan at me, I'm serious, Carl and his friends, bless his little heart, are troublemakers. And flirts." I smile as I spray on my setting spray and stand up, slipping on socks and my white converse. I look in the mirror and wink at my reflection, I looked hot.

 I look in the mirror and wink at my reflection, I looked hot

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"V, don't ruin this for me please." I make myself sound innocent as I tuck my fake I.d into my wallet, if it didn't work, a bat of my lashes would work all the same. "It's my first party I think I'm going to enjoy." I don't hear a response just a knock at the door, it must be Jake.

I rush down the stairs, smiling at Jake as he stands in the doorway, my sister and Kev glaring down at him, "I don't like the way he looks V, and he drives! He's too old for her, for christ sake, he drives!" I push between Kev and V, kissing V on ...

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I rush down the stairs, smiling at Jake as he stands in the doorway, my sister and Kev glaring down at him, "I don't like the way he looks V, and he drives! He's too old for her, for christ sake, he drives!" I push between Kev and V, kissing V on the cheek and rubbing Kev's bicep in comfort,

"Don't worry, 'dad' I can handle it." I grab Jake's arm and pull him off the porch, the door slowly closing behind us. "They're watching us from the living room window." I laugh as Jake and I climb into his car,

"You look really pretty." I smile, and place my hand on his thigh, looking him deep in his eyes,

"I know." I laugh taking my hand off his thigh to grab my phone as if goes off. "It's from Kev, he told me to keep my hand off your thigh." I look back to the house to find V and Kev still looking out the window, "Oh my god, go! Go!"

Jake pulls up in front of a gas station, "Do you need me to come in with you?" I shake my head and climb out the car,

"I can handle it." I smile walking toward the store, upon entering a cool breeze welcomes me.

"Hi, welcome to Valero's." I smile at the worker and walk back toward the beers.

"I'm going to need some help carrying these back to the car sir." The worker walks from behind the counter and two more workers join them, "Okay I need a lot of beer, and I mean a lot." I explain as I pile the boxes of beers into the worker's arms, "Carry it out to the gold mini-van."

"Well, ma'ma you have to pay for it first." I smile and pull my wallet out of my, I grab a few hundreds and tuck them in the pocket of the first worker,

"That should cover it, want to see some I.d?" He shakes his head no and walks out the door the other two workers following him. They load the beers into the car and I thank them climbing into the front, "Okay, we're good to go."

"I thought you said you didn't need any help?" Jake laughed as he pulled out of the parking lot,

"Like I said, I could handle it."

We arrived at the location of the party shortly after leaving the gas station, fun fact the 'L' was a train. "Hey everyone, I brought booze," I scream, and everyone comes rushing toward the car, I grab a thing of beers and hop out the car, letting everyone help themselves. Jake joins me on the other side of the car and we find Carl and Dom leaning against a support beam, it looked like they were arguing over something.. "Let's get this party started!" I scream and the loud music starts to play and so the night begin.

After a few beers I was hammered, I had ended up in a game of truth or dare, I picked Dare every time, I ended up kissing Jake and kissing Dom's friend, another fun fact her name was Alyssa, I also ended up streaking down the street. A few more beers and I was in Jake's lap, whispering all sorts of drunken things in his ear. "Alright, alright I think you've had enough of these." Carl laughs taking the beer from my hand, I pout and Jake laughs, "Okay, okay you can finish it, but it's about time I get you home."

"I don't wanna go home, I'm having fun, let's dance." I jump out of Jake's lap and pull Carl into the middle of the crowd, the music loud and bumping, it felt electric. I begin to dance, picking up a rhythm, I pull Carl against me, my leg between his, my hands roaming his body. I whisper in his ear, "Don't act all shy now, dance." He begins to dance with me, trying to match my pace and rhythm, allowing his hands to roam my body as mine his, I turn around, grounding my ass into his. I look at Jake who waves and smiles at me, I wave back, making an 'o' face as Carl's hands find their way up my skirt and his lips are against my neck. It was the last thing I remembered, the rest was a blacked out blur.

I woke up, head pounding. I lift my head and take in the room around me, shit. Ii had no clue where I was. I hope out of bed only to find myself shirtless, the rest of my clothes intact, "You used it to tied my friend Paulie up last night." I look over to find Carl laying next to me,

"Carl, where the hell are we?" Another voice butts in,

"You two were so shitfaced last night, I pushed you into the back of my car and drove you here, if Fiona saw how drunk you two were, she'd kill all of us." I groan, and rub my face,

"What the hell did we do last night?" I laugh and Carl joins me in sitting up, looking down at Jake on the floor,

"You mean before or after you basically fucked in the middle of the crowd?" I look at Carl and make an 'oh shit face',

"You cannot hold that against me, I was drunk." I try to defend but Jake and Carl shake their heads,

"You are accountable for all your actions. The dancing, the talking, you were so shit-faced last night, the best part is when you went streaking or when you cut the music off and offered to be the live entertainment." I look at Jake and hang my head,

"You two were supposed to spot me, I'm a lightweight." I punch Carl and throw a pillow at Jake, "Okay, as fun as it's been, my head's pounding and I need a shower, I smell like a brewery, Carl's let's go." I stand up grabbing my bag off the floor and walk to the door putting my hand on the handle of the door and both guys look at me,

"You want a shirt first?" I looked down and back to Jake,

"Oh, yeah. Right."

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now