reality | forty-six

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"Ruby I hope I see you,
I've waited all this week."

. . . . .

My fingers fumbled slightly with the visitors pass I had been given from the main office of the school as I pushed the plastic tag into my jeans pocket. The long hallways were empty, as the children's school day had ended almost two hours beforehand. But I knew that this was where I would find the one person I wanted to spend all my free time with.

As I finally made it to my destination, I leaned my shoulder up against the doorframe of my girlfriend's classroom. Instantly my eyes were trained on the woman who sat at her desk at the front of the room. Bryce's concentration was solely on the papers she had to grade and I smiled at how determined she was to make a good impression her first year as a teacher.

This school and the kids she taught were her way of distracting herself from her once again wounded family, not to mention the fact that I had asked her to live with me. It wasn't that Bryce was avoiding the subject, she just liked the space to be able to think, but it had been days and I was dying to see her in person and not just talk over the phone.

I took in my surroundings as Bryce still sat unaware of my presence. Kid friendly grammar posters and colorful art projects created by students were hung up around the cream colored room, the blinds that were placed against the windows on the far side of the room drawn up to let in the late afternoon sunlight.

Once again my eyes were back on the only other person around. Bryce's dark hair was pinned back in a loose bun while strands from her grown out bangs fell into her face continuously, even after she tucked them behind her ears. I could have easily stood there and stared for the rest of the day, but I wanted her attention. Though there was a specific reason as to why I was there, I still couldn't wait to see her face and see her smile.

I licked my lips in excited anticipation of seeing her soft green eyes for the first time in what felt like forever so I lifted my hand and knocked my knuckles against the wooden door. Instantly Bryce's head turned in my direction and still after so many months it was hard not to feel an anxious giddiness around her.

"W-what are you doing here?" There was a pink tint to Bryce's cheeks as she stood from her desk and walked my way. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

I cleared my throat and waved my hands a bit in fake unenthusiasm as a smirk tugged at my lips. "Surprise!"

Bryce rolled her lips inward to hide her smile before she rested a hand on my shoulder and kissed me lightly. I could feel my heart start to pick up speed as I thought over why I had come here in the first place. Unlike before, there wasn't a doubt in my mind now.

"I was thinking..." I shifted my weight from one foot to the other as Bryce raised her eyebrows in question. She obviously knew I was nervous about something and if I didn't do it now, I probably never would.

"My mom sometimes puts on these Sunday dinners when my siblings are in town, which they happen to be next weekend, so I thought maybe I- we could go." I spoke quickly, trying to get it all out in one breath.

It was always a fear that in the end maybe things wouldn't work out and because of my age I didn't want to raise my families hopes that I may finally settle down with someone. So I just never brought girlfriends home to meet them. But Bryce wasn't just some girl that I was attracted to or had a small connection with. Bryce was someone who was willing to dive into the dark depths of who I was and shed light on the parts of me I thought had disappeared long ago.

Bryce's eyes softened and a smile formed on her lips, but in a split second her attitude turned to fake indifference just to tease me before she just shrugged in response. "I'll have to check my schedule, but I think I could make that work."

I rolled my eyes and reached out suddenly to squeeze her sides, which she retracted from quickly, sending me a playful glare for using her slight ticklishness against her. I held back a laugh and raised my eyebrows in a way that stated, 'so? What are you going to do about it?'

Bryce clicked her tongue against the back of her teeth and waved me off slightly. "We are at my place of work, Joshua. Please try to be an adult for at least a moment."

With that, Bryce turned on her heels and took a seat back at her desk. I could see the smile she was hiding and I knew that she was excited about finally being able to meet my family. I had been so apposed to it when we had gone searching for my childhood bike for Johnny because of all the questions I knew we'd be asked, but now I was sure I'd be able to answer them.

The corners of my eyes creased as I grinned to myself. I bit at my lip as I made my way to one of the desks made for a young kid. I squeezed myself as best I could into one of the seats in the front row, resting my chin in the palm of my hand and just stared at my girlfriend. I watched as her eyes scanned each paper, her slightly parted lips moving as she read over each word silently. Once again small tendrils of hair fell against her face, shielding me from seeing her. Bryce glanced up at me momentarily and shook her head as I raised my free hand above my head.

"Yes, Mr. Dun?" She sat back and chuckled as I continued to act like a child. "Did you have a question?"

"Yeah." I lowered my hand before I clasped my fingers together and rested both hands on the desk. "I was wondering if the job for teacher's pet was still open? I think I'd be a perfect fit."

A loud airy laugh escaped Bryce's lips and she placed a hand over her mouth to hide it. I loved that even with everything going on with her family she was still able to act like this with me. It was the first time I had heard her laugh like that in so long and it had my mind whirling and my heart racing. I smiled at her sheepishly, taking a second to relish the sound.

Bryce continued to shake her head at me still attempting to cover her laugh. "You won't even have the job of boyfriend if you don't stop distracting me from grading these papers."

I bit back another smile and motioned for her to finish her work. "Sorry, continue."

Even if it was only for one night, I knew she still needed the distraction from the breakdown of Johnny's father leaving again and the thoughts of how she would help her family this time. So that's what I would give her.


Mr. Misty-Eyed | Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now