How You Meet

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You worked in the clothes shop where he liked to go. You were manning the changing rooms when he asked for your opinion. When he left he asked for your number and you've been inseparable ever since.


Your best friend set you two up on a blind date and you guys really hit it off. Being the typical guy, he waited three days to call you but you went on another date and another and another.


He walked into you making you spill your drink all over yourself and he couldn't stop apologising. You told him it was fine because it was just an accident but he insisted on replacing your drink. He also insisted on taking your number so he could check you were ok later.


You served him at a take away pizza place. He thought you looked really cute in your uniform and you worked at a pizza place...his dream girl!! He left his number on the napkin for you and you called him that night.

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