• Imagine for Breanna (you're pregnant) •

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"Michael!" You scream. "This isn't fair!"
"Isn't fair?" He snaps. "My band is on its way up and you turn around and say your pregnant? Now that isn't fair, Breanna!"
"You think I planned this? You think I planned to ruin your career? Why? Why would I do that?" You throw your arms in the air.
"I don't know! Is it even mine? Are you sure it's mine?"
"Of course it's yours!"
"Maybe you never want me to leave you for some groupie that's way hotter! Maybe that's why you decided to get pregnant!"
You felt hurt: he'd leave you for a groupie.
You could feel the tears form in your eyes but you tried not to cry. 'No, Breanna. Don't let him see you cry. He won't win this.'
"I think you should go," you choked.
He stormed out and slammed the door behind him - making you jump.
You slide down the wall in to a heap on the floor. Why would he leave you? You were having his baby.

The texts flooded in the next day.
Ashton: look, he's a mess. Give him time to calm down. He loves you.
Calum: he doesn't mean it. He really loves you!!
'Loves me? He loves me, does he? Then why did he leave!?' You thought.

4 months.
4 months pregnant.
You'd been to every scan alone. You said the father was a one night stand. You couldn't bare the day when you wouldn't be able to write Michael's name on the birth certificate.
You hated him for leaving you and your baby but you still loved him. Not a day went by when you didn't wish he was there next to you: feeling your tiny bump grow and talking to the little person inside of you. He'd miss out on so much. Your baby would miss out on a real father figure. On a father.
He was in the press a lot and had a different girl on his arm each night.
Luke texted you occasionally to see how you were but you never replied. He asked to meet up once or twice but you wanted to erase all memories of Michael. He was your past and this baby is your future.

You're sitting at home flicking through baby magazines when the doorbell rings. You open the door to see who it is and it's him. Like, really him.
All your rage and anger and sadness comes flooding back and want to hug him and punch him and kiss him all at the same time.
"I had to see you, Bre."
"Don't call me that," you retort as you back into your apartment. Unfortunately..he follows you in before you can close the door.
"How is it?" He eyes your stomach.
"It? It is a she. And she is fine."
"It's a girl?"
"Yes. My baby is a girl."
"Look, I over reacted."
"You think so? Really? Because I thought it was totally rational to walk out on your pregnant girlfriend and not contact her at all.".
"I've been thinking and I-"
"No, Michael. Please don't."
"I love you, Breanna."
"I love you too; I never stopped. But this isn't going to work. You've got your hot groupies."
"They aren't you. They don't make me laugh or cry and none of them are having my baby."
"No no no. This is my baby. My baby, Michael. You walked out on us a while ago."
"Breanna, I love you."
"Don't do this Michael. Please."
"I've been stupid," he said softly. He took your hand in his.
"I want you, Bre. I love you."
Before you can get another word out he cups your face in his hands and kisses you. You've been waiting for this kiss for 4 months.
You pull back and look at him.
"Is it going to be different?"
"Yes. Of course. I won't let you down I promise."
"I'm doing this for her," you point to your stomach, "she deserves a dad."
"I love you so much Breanna."
"I love you too."
"And I love our baby."
You giggle at his last comment. Our baby. This is our baby.


A/N: this is my first ever imagine so I hope it is ok Breanna!? :) xxox

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