The 1975

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'One moment I was tearing off your blouse, now you're living in my house'
- Girls

"So what's the plan for today?" Ashton asks you.
"Plan? There isn't one. Just chill here? Go out for lunch?"
"Here? This is my house."
"And your point is?"
"You don't get to dictate what goes on."
"Then you shouldn't let me stay over so often," you raise your eyebrows.
"You practically live here." His eyes widen like he's just thought if some brilliant idea. "Move in?"
"What?" You gasp.
"Move in with me? I mean, you almost live here anyway."
You get up and hug. "I love you Ash."


'To the way that she wears her hair down, covering up her face'
- Settle Down

"Why do you wear so much make-up?" Calum asks as you get ready for the day.
"So I don't look like a tramp."
"You don't. You look beautiful."
"You're very sweet but no. I'm not going out without it on."
"Why not? And how did you even know that was what I was gonna say?"
"I'm psychic. Because the fans will pick up on it. The media will too. I don't want more hate than I'm getting now."
"You won't because I love you and they will too. You should move your fringe too. It covers your face."
"That's the point."
He pushes the hair from your face and kisses the place where it just was.


'Yeah my shirt looks so good, when it's just hanging off your back'
- Sex

"Morning," Luke says; his voice low and raspy in the morning.
You're in the kitchen making breakfast for the two of you.
"Good morning," you say walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Is that my shirt?" He looks down at your body.
He raises his eyebrows. "It looks better on you."
You giggle.
"Wait, no, it looks better off of you." He winks. You jokingly slap his chest. "Wanna take it off?"


'Hey now we're building up speed as we're approaching the hill'
- Chocolate

"Let's go for a drive," Michael says.
"Where to?" You ask.
"I don't know. Anywhere. Let's just drive."
You and Michael get in his convertible with the roof down and your hair's going crazy blowing in the wind.
"Let's go faster," Michael looks at you.
"No, Mikey, that's dangerous."
"Live a little dangerously, babe." He speeds up as you approach a steep hill. "Hold on," he laughs.

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