Another Boy Defends Your Relationship

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"This is for the people who say their together just for the publicity," Calum speaks into his phone as he turns the camera round to face you and Ashton by the pool.
"Ash, put me down!" You screeched as Ashton held you bridal style over the pool.
"Ok then," he said as he dropped you into the pool and dived in after you.
You emerge out the water and splash Ashton. "Now I'm all wet!"
"I know you are," he giggled. You move away from him as he tries to get closer. "Come back!" He says.
"No," you splash him again and giggle as he grabs your leg and pulls you through the water closer to him.
"Give me a kiss," he jokingly begs.
"No, you dropped me in the pool."
Ashton pulls you closer and you scrunch your face up as he attempts to kiss you but ends up kissing your cheek because you're trying to wriggle away.
You splash him again and run away but he chases you.
Calum turns his phone back to face him: "see? This is genuine. They aren't faking it for the cameras. How can you say that isn't real?"


You'd been getting a lot of hate recently for dating Calum. Some days you thought that ending things would save both of you a lot of pain.
Michael walked in on you crying and asked what was wrong. You just shoved your phone into his hands and he read all the twitter messages saying how you were ugly and Calum must be deranged and high to date someone like you. Without saying anything Michael just left the room.
@michael5sos: I'm sick of this. (Y/N) and Calum are perfect for each other. How can anyone say otherwise?


"So, Luke, rumour has it that you've cheated on (Y/N). Is this true?" The radio interview asked and Luke clenched his fists.
"No. It isn't," he said sternly.
"Are you sure? Because we've seen pictures of you with a certain blonde in your hotel room late at night."
"Yes I'm sure. She was just a friend visiting us on tour."
"The 'just a friend' line, eh? You two looked pretty cosy on your bed," she was pushing Luke's boundaries when it came to patience and calmness; he looked furious and like he could punch her pretty little face at any given moment.
"Look, the blonde was an old friend of ours. (Y/N) and Luke are very happy together and, from what we've heard, he has no need to cheat on her," Ashton interrupted before Luke did something he might regret. Ashton gave Luke a sympathetic smile before adding "let's move on to the next question, shall we?"


"Where's Michael tonight?" The red carpet interviewer asked.
"He's actually sick. He sends his apologies to everyone," Luke answered.
"Is he really sick or is he having lady problems? We haven't seem him and (Y/N) step out together in a while. Is there trouble in paradise?"
"No, no. There's no trouble in paradise. They are very happy together. In fact, they're more than happy together - they are totally in love with each other. People may not believe it, but they'll last a long time. I think they'll get married eventually, have a few kids and grow old together."

When the interview clip was released the next day #MarryHerMichael was trending on twitter for two days afterwards.

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