Try Hard (Cake)

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Calum: his POV

'She's standing right in the front row, the perfect view'

(Y/N) had to leave to see her family as she hasn't seen them in a while.
Me and the boys are in the middle of our tour and I didn't want her to leave but it's her family so I guess she doesn't have much of a choice.
I missed her so much.
"Ready to go on?" Michael patted me on the shoulder.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Cheer up, mate. You'll see her again soon."
"I know. Just not soon enough."

The concert was going well and the crowd were jumping up and down when I noticed a familiar face in the crowd. In the front row.
It couldn't be.
It is.
She's here. She's really here.
Whilst Luke sang Wherever You Are I whispered to Michael: "she's here. (Y/N)'s here."
"I know," he smiled.
"You knew?"
"Yeah. She wanted it to be a surprise."

"(Y/N)!" I hug her as she enters the dressing room. Then I kiss her. "I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too."
"What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be with family."
"I was but Michael texted and said you were down so I came back. Anyway, you're much more fun than family."
I kiss her again. "I know."
"The gig was great!"
"Thanks. I still can't believe you're here!"
I think I had the biggest and cheesiest smile on my face but I don't care. I want my girlfriend to know that I'm happy to see her.
I am. I am happy to see her.


'She's seen my face around but she doesn't even know my name, I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool'

"She'll never notice me," Luke sulked to Ashton.
"She will."
"She's too cool for me. She's so popular. I'm"
"Stop complaining and do something to get her attention."
"Like what?"
"Get a tattoo!"
"They hurt."
"Dye your hair pink!"
"Copying Mikey."
"Write her song!"
"We all know how that turned out last time."
Ashton laughed at the memory.
"I know!" Luke said triumphantly.

"A piercing?!" Ashton exclaimed when he saw Luke the next day.
"Get her attention enough do you think?" Luke asked.
He obviously didn't get the confusion in Ashton's voice.

"Nice piercing," you say to Luke to when you're paired up in History.
"Thanks," he beams.
"Did it hurt?"
"Not really."
Yes, he thought, it bloody hurt!
That comment started off a whole conversation that lasted the entire lesson.
He even asked for your number.

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