First Date

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Being from Australia, he took you to the beach. He attempted to teach you how to surf but you failed miserably. He thought it was adorable how you fell off the surfboard just trying to stand up. You guys spent all afternoon in the sea and then played volleyball for a bit.
Needless to say, the second date wasn't an outdoor activity.


He took you for a romantic picnic in a field. You thought it was really sweet of him but he had to confess that his mum actually made the picnic for you two.
You guys spent the day talking and laughing and when you had to go home you really didn't want to say goodbye but Calum said he'd see you again.
You couldn't wait.


You two go ice-skating. He thought it was a great idea for a first date because you hadn't been before and it meant that he could hold your hand the entire time. You fell over many times but he was always there to help you back up again or was lying on the ice beside you laughing.


He takes you to the cinema and you see Saw. You're really scared but don't want to show it so you try to close your eyes through the worst bits. Michael's hand is on the arm rest and when a part makes you jump you hold onto his hand.
You guys spend the rest of the film like this.

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