He Surprises You At School

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You walk out of school with your friends. You say goodbye to them and continue to cross the road when a car window rolls down.
"Hey, wanna lift?"
You turned to see who was asking you. You recognised that voice.
"Ash!" You said excitedly.
"Hey, (Y/N)."
"Why are you here?" You asked.
"I got out of the studio early. I thought we could go for dinner somewhere?"
You open the car door and sit next to your boyfriend.
"Yes," you kiss him. "How did you know where my school was?"
"Your mom told me."
"My mom?"
"Yeah. I called her."
"This is such a nice surprise! Thank you!"
"It's also because I haven't spent much time you lately either."
"It's ok."
"No it isn't. I've been neglecting you. Us."
"This more than makes up for it. At least I don't have to walk home now."
"Is that all I'm good for? Lifts?"
"Amongst other things," you reply cheekily.
"Like what?"
You just bite your lip in response and keep him guessing.


There was a crackling noise coming from the speakers.
Great, you thought, another lame announcement.
"Can Miss (Y/L/N) please come to reception and bring her bags too. Thank you."
Me? You thought.
You make your way to reception.
"He's sitting over there," the receptionist said blandly and pointed to the seats by the office.
"Who?" You ask.
"Your cousin. He says your Gran is ill."
You walk over to your 'cousin'. "Hello?" You say.
He turns around and you see your boyfriend staring back at you.
"(Y/N)!" He hugs you.
The receptionist is giving you two funny looks as you walk past her to Calum's car outside.
"So, yeah, she's in hospital and very sick," Calum says as you pass her.
You giggle and hold Calum's hand to the car.


"So today is a special assembly. We have some very special guests with us," the head master announced. "Please welcome 5 Seconds of Summer." The curtain lifted to reveal three of your closest friends and your boyfriend.
Your school screamed with excitement. Some girls cried and one even fainted.
"Hey," Luke says into the mic.
Everyone screamed again.
"I'd like to dedicate this song to my wonderful girlfriend. It's called She Looks So Perfect."
People aww'd.
Luke winked at you in the third row and you smile to yourself.
They begin to play the song and Luke is staring at you the whole time.


Your phone buzzes in your pocket: 1 unread message.
'Hey babe, I'm in the car park. Can you skip? Xx' It was from your boyfriend Michael.
'Wait 10 mins? xx'
'Sure :) xx'
The last ten minutes of the lesson seemed to go so slowly but once it was over you practically ran to Matron's and signed yourself out - using dentist as your reason.
Outside, Michael was leaning against his car.
"You took your time," he said whilst opening the car door for you. You got in and he sat beside you in the driver's seat.
"Yeah sorry, Mrs McFall takes forever," you complain. "So what are we doing?"
"We are going to a theme park."
"A theme park? You know, where you go on rides and stuff," he answers sarcastically.
"I know what it is."
"Good because we're going there."
It was officially the best date you'd ever been on.

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