Date Night

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He likes to take you out and spoil you at a fancy restaurant. He loves showing you how much he cares and would 'wine and dine' you every night if you'd let him. You think it's too much and are just as happy relaxing at home with a trashy. romantic movie but you get dressed up and let him take you out because it makes him happy.


He cooks a meal for you at home. He knows you're favourite food and will cook it to perfection every single time. You appreciate him even more when he does this and he loves seeing the smile on your face when you've had a tough at work and you come home to a candlelit dinner.


He likes to stay in and watch a movie cuddled up on the sofa. You guys will just talk about random stuff but he really loves these evenings because it's just you and him.


You guys play COD late into the night. He's never met a girl like you before but he doesn't question it when you want to play COD. Sometimes he lets you win just to see the excitement on your face.

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