Truth or Dare

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"Wanna play truth or dare?" Calum asks as you all sit in the living room of your house. The boys are visiting on one of their rare days off.
"Sure," Michael says.
"Ash, truth or dare?" Calum asks the boy that's sitting on your left.
"Um..dare," he decides.
"What shall we dare him?" Calum consults Luke and Michael.
Luke leans in and whispers something in their ears and Michael shouts: "yes!"
"Ok," Cal begins, "we dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with (Y/N)."
"What? Er, but this isn't her dare." He looks at you cautiously.
"Then this can be her dare as well."
"What if I wanted to pick truth?" You glare at Luke because you know what he's doing - he's the only one that knows you like Ashton.
"You didn't," Luke insists. "Go on, 7 minutes under the stairs."
Ashton gets up and takes your hand and then drags you to the small cupboard under the stairs. "Guys? The cupboards a bit small," Ash calls as he inspects the space.
"You can squish!" Michael shouts.
"This isn't going to work," you say as Ashton begins to climb into the cupboard.
"We're coming to check on you in 7 minutes! You better be in there!" Luke yells. You could murder that boy.
"Come on, get in," Ashton says as he crouches and pulls you in. You're leaning over him because there isn't enough room for you to crouch as well. It's awkward and you don't know what to say as Ashton closes the door and you're both engulfed in darkness.
"(Y/N)?" Ashton whispers as you feel his hands searching for you.
"Why are you whispering?"
"I don't know," he giggles. "Where's you face? I can't find it!"
"That's because your hands are on my boobs," you take hold of his hands and put them on your cheeks. He moves his thumb so that it rests on your lip. He's silent for a moment before you feel him sigh just centimetres from your face.
"Ash-" before you can finish he has his lips on yours but you both pull away as light blinds you.
"I knew you liked her too!" Luke says as takes $20 from Calum.


"Ok, truth," Calum says as all five of you sitting in a circle on the hotel room floor.
"(Y/N), you can choose his truth this time," Luke offers.
"Um......who do you fancy?" You ask.
Calum immediately goes red and looks around at the other boys.
"What?" You ask. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No," Calum mumbles and fidgets with his shirt sleeves. "I, erm, fancy this girl."
"Does she have a name?" You urge. Your heart began to sink a little bit because you've always had a bit of a crush on Calum ever since your best friend Mikey introduced you to the rest of his band.
"Yes," he says ever so quietly.
"Oh for fuck sake we are getting nowhere, Calum's never going to admit it. Move on!" Michael shouts.
You all go around the circle again but there's this awkwardness between you and Calum and he won't even look at you; he just stays staring at the ground.
"Cal, your turn again mate," says Ashton. "Truth or dare?"
"Tell the person you fancy that you fancy her."
Calum suddenly shoots Ashton the deadliest glare you've ever seen.
You're expecting Calum to take his phone out of his pocket and dial the girl's number but instead he stands up from opposite you and offers you his hand. "Can I talk to you outside?"
"Yeah sure," you reply taking his hand as he leads you outside the room. Once you're outside you ask: "want help with what to say to her?"
"Not exactly. I know what I want to say to her - and I've wanted to say this for a long time - but," he continues to play with your fingers that are in his hand, "I don't want to mess things up between us." You stay silent. "I really like you (Y/N)." He doesn't look at you, "I couldn't tell you in there who I fancy because it's you. It's been you since the day we meet."
"I dare you to kiss him!" You hear Luke call from the other side of the door.
"You don't have to-" but before he can finish his sentence you kiss him sweetly.
"Do you wanna go out sometime?" He mumbles against your lips.
You nod and giggle before snaking your arms around his neck and kissing him again.


"Truth or dare?" Luke asks.
"What?" You look at him from your position next to him on the sofa. You two were watching a movie at his house like you usually do when he isn't touring or recording - basically whenever he isn't away!
"Truth or dare?" He repeats.
"We aren't ten years old, Luke."
"Just pick one."
"Ok, truth."
"You're so predictable!"
"Fine then, dare."
"No, no. Stick with truth. I was kind of betting on you saying that."
"Ok.... What is it?" You ask.
"Do you, er, do you" He scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"Of course I do! We've been best friends for, like, ever!"
"But do you like like me?"
"What do you mean?" You say confused.
"I you like me as more than a friend?"
"Luke, I- we've been friends for so long- I-"
"It's ok if you don't, I was just wondering..I guess." He looked back at the TV screen but you could see he wasn't paying any attention to the film because his eyes looked kind of glazed over.
"Your turn," you said.
"Look, (Y/N), I don't wanna play anymore. It was a stupid idea and a stupid game," he says without looking at you once.
"Just pick one," you imitate his tone from earlier.
He quickly turns his head to look at but he looks into his lap and begins to fidget with his fingers. "Truth," he mumbles.
"Do you trust me?"
"What kind of question is that?" He whips his head up.
"Answer it," you command sternly.
"Yes." He almost whispers the single word. You slowly begin to rock forward on your knees and lean in towards the blonde boy by your side but he pulls back quickly. "What are you doing?"
"You said you trust me, right?"
Luke gulps and then nods. You continue your actions and soon your lips are on his. You feel him tense up for a second but soon he relaxes and places his hand on your cheek. Your lips move in sync and after a while you pull away breathless.
"Does that answer your question?" You smirk.
"Yeah," he grins and hastily reattaches his lips to yours.


"I dare you to play too hot with (Y/N)," Ashton giggles.
You and the boys were on the tour bus playing a dumb game of truth or dare just to pass the time.
"Ok," Michael says cockily. He makes his way over to you and sits beside you facing you.
"What's too hot?" You ask.
"You've never played it before?" Luke asks surprised.
"Basically," he begins to explain, "it's where you have to kiss but you can't touch. The first person to touch loses and the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser."
"Sounds simple enough. Be prepared to lose, Clifford."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that (Y/N)." He says as he leans in towards you and ghosts over your lips. You push your lips onto his and he moans. Your fingers are tapping on your leg as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You're finding it hard not to run your hands through his hair but you resist the urge.
All too quickly you feel a hand at your waist and you pull back to see Michael's hand resting on your waist.
"I couldn't go any longer without touching you," he says breathlessly.
"You lose!" Luke sings.
"Now (Y/N) can do whatever she wants to you," Calum laughs. "Have you decided yet?"
"Not yet," you smirk.
"Ok, Luke, truth or dare?" Ashton asks.
Michael puts his arm around your shoulder as you watch Luke get ready to stick his butt out of the bus window.
"After that," Michael whispers, "you can do whatever the fuck you want to me. I mean, we didn't even need to play this game for you to be able to whatever the fuck you want to me. You're so hot," he says as kisses your neck.

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