"Do You Ever...?"

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"Do you ever wish that I didn't have this career? Like, that I didn't have to go on tour for months at a time? Loads of couples break up because of it, you know," Ashton said whilst you were cuddled up on the sofa.
"No. Never. You love what you do and it makes you happy. Seeing you on stage is so amazing because you just seem to.....belong there," you smile up at him.
"Would you ever break up with me over it?"
"Not in a million years. I admit, it's hard at times but I love counting down the days until I see you again. It makes me enjoy every moment we have together just a little bit more."
He kisses your forehead. "You're the best girlfriend ever. I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Ash," you reply.


"Do you ever want to switch bodies with someone for a day?" Calum asked randomly.
"Sometimes. Just to see what it's like to be them."
"Like who?"
"Brad Pitt?"
"Really?" He sounded surprised, "what about me?"
"I live with you and I know what it's like to be you. Plus - I'd be dating myself!"
He laughed uncontrollably at your comment.
"Ooh," you say excitedly, "I know who'd I be."
"Rita Ora!"
"Why would you want to switch bodies with Rita Ora?"
"Have you seen her? She's totally hot!"
"You're totally hot," he winked.
"I know," you raised your eyebrows in response.
"Promise me one thing."
"Anything, Cal."
"You'll never leave me. Not even for Rita Ora."
"If it's Rita, I'm out of here. Sorry but she wins any day, babe!"
Calum continued to tickle you until you said you wouldn't leave him for Rita Ora.


"Do you ever think about what life would be like if we never met?"
"It'd be quieter, for sure!" You teased.
"Hey! Take that back, (Y/N)!"
"Never," you said in the most serious time that you could muster. You eventually ending up laughing wildly in his face. "I don't want to think about life without you."
"Me neither," Luke takes your hand, "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, (Y/N)." he fiddles with your fingers and draws circles on your palms.
"I love you too. I don't want life without you ever. Not ever. No matter how annoying you get I need you here."


"Do you ever want to disappear, Mike?" You asked Michael.
"Disappear? How?" He asked puzzled.
"Like, not be in 5SOS?"
"Of course not. I mean, yes, I don't get much privacy or private life but I'm living the dream. I'm living my dream. Sure, I miss that we can't do normal things together without being mobbed by fans or the paps but I wouldn't not want this."
"I know," you smile. "Just checking."
"Do you wish I wasn't in 5SOS?"
"No," you answer bluntly.
"Good...because I can't choose between my two favourite things."
"Me or the band?"
"Answer me, Clifford."
You playfully slap him on the chest and he spends the rest of the day apologising.

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