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"(Y/N)'s like a mythical creature like Luke too! It is so hard to get her in a video," Ashton says as he chases you around the house with his phone in his hand.
"Stop it!" You giggle but you end up slipping and falling flat on your bum on the floor. Ashton takes a seat next to you on the floor.
"This is what happens when you try to run away." He pans to your sulking face. "Bye guys!" He adds quickly.


"Ok, so she's asleep right now," Calum whispered to his phone and turned the camera to you by his side. "She is going to kill me when she sees this but I think that she looks adorable when she's sleeping!"
"I know you're keeking this," you groan as you pull the duvet up over your face. Calum pulls it back down and shoves the camera right in your face. "Go away, Cal."
"You look lovely in the mornings. I want to show everyone."
"I look like Shrek."
"No you look like Princess Fiona."
"When she's an ogre."
And the keek timed out.


"Listen to me," Luke whines.
"I am!" You reply not looking up from your phone.
He throws a pen at you and chuckles to himself when it hits you on the head.
"You're a dick," you say whilst putting your phone on the table.
"You're a dick," he repeats back to you.
"I have a bigger dick."
"Oh really?" Luke asks.
"Yeah. Wanna see?"
"What have I just witnessed guys?" Ashton giggles as he ends the keek.


"Hey guys, how you doing?" You imitate you boyfriend, Michael, as you do a keek.
"You're awful at the Aussie accent," he laughs.
"Shut up. I'm brilliant at it!"
"Yeah," he says slowly and really sarcastically.
"So what are we doing today Mikey?"
"Stop with the accent! You'll offend someone."
"Hey! It isn't that bad!" You giggle.
"You're cute when you laugh."

All the comments later were about how cute you were together and how good your accent was. ;)

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