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Luke and Ashton were doing an impromptu twitcam in their hotel room.
"Who's in the shower?" Luke asks.
"(Y/N)," Ashton replies.
Suddenly there are loads of messages coming in asking who (Y/N) is.
"Whoops," Ashton giggles.
You come out of the shower to Luke and Ashton are giggling like teenage girls.
"What's up?" You ask.
"He just let slip you're his girlfriend," Luke says between breaths.
"I though you wanted to wait."
"I couldn't!" Ashton smiled widely and his dimples show. He's too damn cute.
"I'ma go now," Luke waves to the laptop and then to you as he exits through the door.
"Come and say hi (Y/N)," Ashton waves you over.
"No. I'm not dressed."
"You shouldn't have said that. They can hear you."
"Shit," you mutter.
You throw on some jogging bottoms and a t-shirt and sit next to Ashton on the bed.
There were hundreds of messages saying how Ashton gets some and how turned on he must be.
You laugh and look at Ashton. He's laughing too.


"So guys," Calum begins, "I want to introduce you to someone special," he looks at you and signals for you to come over but you shake your head. "C'mon, they don't bite."
"What if they don't like me?"
"They'll love you!"
You walk over but trip on your way and end up with your head in Calum's lap.
"Well this is isn't how I intended to start it but ok...." Calum joked.
You turned a deep shade if red and Calum laughed at you. You quickly sit up and make a big gap between the two of you.
"I'm not that bad am I?" He laughs and pulls you closer.
There are lots of comments that come in saying how cute of a couple you are.
"We are kinda cute, aren't we?"
"Don't you know it," he laughs. You roll eyes at your immature boyfriend. But you love him anyway.


Luke's doing a twitcam and you sit on the sofa opposite to him just watching. Every now and again he looks up at you and smiles.
You could watch him all day (stalkerish!??).
You start to get fidgety and want to distract Luke so you get up and start dancing infront of him but out of view of the webcam.
He laughs uncontrollably at your twerking.
"They want to know what I'm laughing at (Y/N)," he scolds.
"You can't turn back now," you giggle.
Luke gets up and pulls your hand towards him and you fall next to him on the sofa. "Guys," he introduces, "this is (Y/N). You've probably heard me talk about her before because she's my girlfriend. She was just twerking a minute ago and it was awful."
You fake being hurt by his comment.
"But it was a good view," he whispers to you.
#lukehasagoodview is soon trending.


You do the boyfriend does my make up tag.
The minute you get your make up bag out Michael just stares at it opened mouth.
"This isn't all of it!" You giggle.
"How much do you need? I think a natural face is just as beautiful."
You sigh inside: I love this boy more every single day.
"What are you starting with?" You ask.
"This," he holds up your nude coloured lipgloss. "It's foundation, right?"
"Riiigght," you nod but you he doesn't sense the sarcasm in your voice and ends up smearing it all over your face.
The tag video goes well and the viewers seem to enjoy it but by the end you have eyeliner for lipstick and eyeshadow for blusher. Your eyelashes are glued together and you look as though you've got a monobrow.
"Maybe I'll let you do your make up from now on," he laughs.
"Maybe," you agree and giggle.

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