You're English And Use English Slang

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(As in from the UK)


You'd just been out to lunch with Y/F/N and when you got home Ashton was sprawled out on the sofa watching TV.
"How was lunch?" He asked.
"Great!" You answered as you dumped your bags on the kitchen counter and went to sit next to Ashton. "I haven't seen Y/F/N for donkey's years. We had so much catching up to do. She's engaged now and -"
"Donkey's years? Do donkey's measure years differently?" He asked genuinely confused.
You put your hand on his knee and explained: "it means ages. I haven't seen her for ages."
"Oh. You should've just said that!"
"You've been with me for how long and you still don't understand English?"
"Well you learn something new everyday."
"You're so cheesy."
"Speaking of cheese, I'm hungry."


"How's the DIY going?" Calum asked as he stepped into your bedroom and leant against the wall.
"Not too good."
"Do you want some help?" He offered.
"No," you glared at him. You'd been refusing his help with putting together furniture in your new apartment because you wanted to prove that you could be independent.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't want your help," you said as you sat on the floor and just stared at your construction.
"What about advice? I can give you advice, right?"
"It's just gone a bit pear shaped," you huffed.
Calum stepped closer and examined your work. "It looks the right shaped to me. You just need to put the nails in."
You giggled at Calum's comment.
"What?" He asked.
"I didn't mean pear shaped as in the literal sense of the word, babe. It means gone wrong."
"You and you're stupid English words."
You giggled again as Calum began to help you put together the wardrobe.


"You know, I thought turning 18 would be life changing. But nothing's really changed."
"You're officially an adult?" You offered Luke as you both lay in bed having one of your midnight chats.
"Yeah but I thought everything would be different. Turns out, I'm just a year older."
"You can legally get bladdered."
"I can what? Does that mean piss myself?"
You laughed. "No, Lucas. It means get drunk. Although I get where you're coming from with the whole bladder thing..."
"Why do people say get bladdered? It's so weird."
"I don't know. I didn't invent the word."
@Luke5SOS: 'who knew I could get bladdered? not me'


"Hey, Mikey, Y/F/N's having a meltdown. I'm going over there. I'll see you in a bit," you said as you kissed your boyfriend goodbye and left out the front door.
"How was Y/F/N?" Michael asked when you got back.
"Ok, I guess. She just couldn't handle all her bosses demands. I helped her with the paperwork."
"Her boss sounds like a jerk. Is she ok now though?"
"Yup, she's hunky-dory. I left her sleeping on the sofa."
"Who's the new hunk?"
"What? It's still Harry. If you can call him a hunk," you scoff.
"No no no. You said hunky something."
"Don't you use hunky-dory in Australia? You must have heard it on your travels?"
"Nope. What does it mean?"
"She's good. She's ok."
"Talk more English. It's so sexy," he winked and kissed your cheek.
"You're a creep."
"You love me."

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