She Looks So Perfect

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'If I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it, would you wanna run away too?'

Ashton entered the travel agent and let out a breath.
He'd done it. He'd made his way in the door and now he was going to book a spontaneous get away for just the two of you.
"Can I help you?" A woman asked from behind a desk.
Ashton took a seat opposite her and said: "yes, actually, I'd like to book a holiday."
Obviously, Ashton. You're in a travel agents, he thought.
"And where would you like to go?" She smiled.
"Romantic break?" She typed away on her computer.
"Two people?"
"Any specific requirements?"
A big bed? He thought.

Once the holiday was booked Ashton headed to the jewellers. The engagement rings caught his eye.
No, Ash, too soon. You'll scare her away. One day, though.

You hear the door of your apartment slam shut.
"Ash?" You call. He's been out for ages.
"In the kitchen."
He walks in and is carrying no shopping bags or anything.
"Where have you been?"
"Sorry," he kisses your temple, "I got caught up in traffic. Um, (Y/N)?"
"How would like to go to Paris?"
"Are you kidding? I'd love to go! But it's super expensive and I can't afford it." You frowned.
"My treat?"
You jump up and hug him.
"I'll take that as your coming?" He laughs. From his pocket he produced a ring and held it in his palm.
"What's this?" You ask.
"It looked pretty and it made me think of you."
You smile.
Your boyfriend's perfect.


'Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart'

It was a Friday night and your boyfriend Calum was round whilst you were attempting to study.
"Can't you stop? You've already done an hour," he complained whilst he spun round in circles on your desk chair.
"I have a test next week."
"But it's Friday," he pouted as he spun past you.
"You'll make yourself sick, Cal."
"You can kiss me better." He leaned forward in the chair. He sat on the edge of your bed and gradually got closer to you until your faces were almost touching.
"I need to revise," you whisper but Calum's lips are already on yours. You begin to kiss down his jawline and neck until you quickly pull away.
"Everything ok?" He asks.
"I got lipstick on your collar."
"Why is that good?"
"Because then everyone knows that I'm yours."
"You dork," you say as you take his hand. You draw a heart on the back of his hand.
He's watching you intently as you then write your name in the heart.
"And everyone knows I'm yours," you giggle and he begins to kiss you again.


'I made a mix tape straight out of 94, I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor'

"For you," Luke holds out his hand. He's holding a cassette tape.
"Going old school?" You ask with a little giggle.
"It's classic."
"I don't have a tape player."
"Lucky thing that I do then," he puts the tape in a player.
🎶I Swear - All-4-One
I'll Make Love To You - Boys II Men
Hero - Mariah Carey
Bump 'n' Grind - R. Kelly 🎶

You wake up the next morning to Luke staring at you.
"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" You laugh.
"I'm not. I'm admiring your beauty," he kisses you.
"Then you can admire my beauty once you've made me breakfast," you pull a puppy dog face.
"I'm making you breakfast?"
"Fine then. I'll make you breakfast," you go to get up but can't find your clothes. "Luke? Where are my jeans?"
He looks around and eyes then in the corner of the room. "Over there, babe. You know, they look better on my floor," he winks.
"Dream on, Hemmings."


'You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear'

"It is soo hot!" You complain.
"You can take your clothes off if you want," Michael says cheekily.
"I'm fine with them on."
"Here this'll cool you down," and with that he squirts water over you.
"Michael!" You scream. "I'm so wet."
"That's what you said last night."
You tip your water over his shirt and then he grabs the hose.
"Don't even think about it, Michael!"
He turns it on and aims it at you. Your soaked and storm inside to get changed.
When you come out Michael has taken his shirt off and just stares at you.
"I look homeless I know," you joke as you towel dry your hair.
"No you, er, you look, um, really good! You should wear my boxers more often!"
"If that's the reaction I get out of then I might just do that!"
He smirks and turns the hose on again.

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