Try Hard (Mashton)

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'She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered, I play guitar but she's into drummers'

"Narwols are real!" Ashton insisted.
"No they aren't! They only exist in elf," you laughed at him.
"I swear they're real, (Y/N)," he edged closer to you.
"They aren't," you whisper.
"Don't make me..." he holds his hands up.
"You wouldn't.."
"I would."
With that he leaps at you and tickles you madly.
You can't stop laughing and squirming underneath him.
"Stop!" You say between breaths.
He stops suddenly but doesn't move from on top off you. You look at him; trying to read his expression. "What?"
"That," he points to your pelvis.
"Shit," you pull your top down but he pushes it back up.
"When were you gonna tell me you have a tattoo?"
He laughs. "It's kinda cool. A rose? Because you're beautiful?"
You giggle, "something like that."
"Woah, at least take it to the bedroom," Luke says as he mockingly covers his eyes.
You realise how bad it looks with Ashton on top of you and your top pulled up.
"This isn't what it -"
"Sure it isn't," Luke winks. "Just, er, (Y/N), if you ever want a change - you know where I am. I hear singers do it louder," he winks again.
"Yeah but I've heard drummers do it harder."
Ashton kisses you and Luke pretends to gag at the sight.


'That she makes me think, makes me think, That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again'

"Look, (Y/N), am I doing something wrong?" Michael asks.
"No. Why would you ask that?"
You look around the restaurant dully. It's posh and modern and dimly lit. Michael took you here for your one year anniversary but all you really wanted to do was stay at home and watch a movie.
"You look bored."
"No," you lie and try to muster a smile but it looked weak.
"Are you sure?" Michael put the menu down.
"Yes?" You squeaked but it was more of a question than a sure and sturdy answer.
"C'mon. What's wrong? Is it me? This place?"
"No, Mikey, it's none of those. Can we just get on with the evening. Please?"
"(Y/N) sometimes I feel like I'm trying too hard. Like, I'm doing all this stuff to make you happy but you just throw it back in my face."
"Michael, you take me to all these fancy places and fancy events that I don't particularly care about. Don't get me wrong - they're great and all - but I am just as happy - no, happier - sitting at home with some awful film and a take away. All I care about is being with you."
"Really," you take his hand. "I just want you and the sofa. This restaurant is full of people that can actually pronounce half the stuff on the menu."
He laughs.
"I thought you weren't happy with us."
"I am more than happy with us, Michael."
He stands up. "Let's go," he holds out his hand for you. "And can we switch the sofa for the bed?" He asks cheekily with a wink.

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