He Uses Australian Slang

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Again, I'm not Australian so sorry if these words aren't actually used!(:



Today you were at rehearsals watching the boys practice their set for the WWA tour.

When they'd finished She Looks So Perfect, Ashton beckoned you over from behind the drum kit.

"Sit," he instructed as he eyes his lap. You sat on him and he put two drumsticks in your hands. "Ok now hit it."

"Ash, I don't know how to," you stated.

"Get a room!" Michael shouted.

You both ignored him and Ashton spoke again. "Some people just have natural rhythm."

"Have you seen me dance? I have like 3 left feet."

"Ok ok. Fair point. Now watch this."

He took the drumsticks back and played a simple beat. "Give it a burl."

"Give it a what?" You turned and looked at him.

"Give it a go. Sorry forgot you aren't an Aussie," he teased.

You tried repeating the beat but failed miserably. "How was that for a burl?" You asked.

"Maybe Ashton should stay the drummer," Luke commented.


Sitting on the sofa and watching TV with Calum was your favourite thing to do. Unfortunately, it didn't get to happen often because of his busy schedule.

"Can you pass me the remote?" He asked.

"You can get it. All you have to do is reach the table and pick it up," you said slow and sarcastically.

"But you're in a better pozzy." *cue pouty face and puppy eyes*

"I'm in a better what?!" You retorted.


You hit his chest jokingly. "Calum! Don't use that kind of language!" You teased.

"What?" The poor boy looked genuinely confused. "Pozzy? Position?"

"Oh," you sighed. "That's what you meant."

"What did you think I meant?"

"What word does it sound like?" You asked.

*The Next Morning*

"I've got it!" Calum shouted triumphantly from the bathroom. He opened the door and was stood completely naked. "Pussy!" And then he disappeared back into the bathroom.


"I have a surprise for you," Luke said as he covered your eyes with his hands. "Walk this way," he pushed his body against your back and began walking forward. You felt the cold air hit your face and you guessed that you were outside.

"What are you doing?" You asked slightly frightened.

"I want to show you something. Ta dah." Your eyes were uncovered.

Infront of you stood a black car. You looked up at Luke and saw his happy expression.

"I passed my test!" He beamed. "Now we don't have to get the bus everywhere. Isn't she a beaut?"

"She? Don't tell me you've named it," you giggled. "And it's a car Luke."

"I know it's a car."

"Then why did you call it a boot?"

"A beaut. A beauty," he explained.

"I'm with you now," you giggled again.

"And it's called Chad Kroger."

'@Luke5SOS: I drive a boot haha'


"My mum is gonna love you," Michael said as you stood outside his front door.

Before he'd gone home he asked if you wanted to join him. You immediately said yes and were excited about the prospect but meeting his parents kind of scared you. I mean, what if they didn't like you?

"Michael!" His mum opened the door an embraced you both in a joint hug. Well, more like a group hug. "You must be (Y/N). So nice to meet you at last! Michael's told me so much about you!"

You turned to look at Michael only to see that his cheeks were bright red.

Once inside you politely greeted everyone and Michael introduced you as his girlfriend. You made your way to the kitchen to ask if his mum needed any help.

"Can I help at all?" You questioned.

"If you could put this bowl on the table that'd be ace," his mum smiled.

You walked back into the rest of the house and Michael grabbed your waist. "Helping my mum? Such an ass kisser," he sneered.

"Ha." You replied bluntly. You knew he was only joking. "By the way, who's Ace?"

"Ace? I don't know, why?"

"Your mum said 'that'd be ace.' I assumed the doorbell went or something."

Michael laughed so loudly that the entire room fell silent and your cheeks began to rise in temperature.

"Ace means great, babe."

You walked on in silence and hoped no one was staring at you.

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