Good Girls

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Sorry but am literally in love with this song at the moment<3
Can't believe they finally have an album!!:D


'She said to me forget what you thought, Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught'

"Sorry, but do you have a lighter?" You asked a man who had his back to you. He fumbled in his pocket and then turned around but kind of froze when he looked at you.
It was him: Ashton. The cute boy from your English class; he'd transferred last term. [yes I made Ashton a smoker I apologise to anyone who doesn't like it]
"You smoke?" He asked sounded really surprised. You nodded. "Like, you actually have a life outside of school?"
"Yes. I do." I took the lighter from his hand and lit my cigarette that I was balancing between my lips. I handed the lighter back to him and drew in a breath from my cigarette, then exhaled and blew smoke into the air.
"But you're the straight A student. The teachers pet. I don't think I even know your name." The look of amazement on his face was priceless.
"My name's (Y/N). Look, I'd like to keep it that way. Please can you not tell anyone?"
"Yeah sure. But why do you want to keep the good girl image? Isn't it a bit old?" He asked.
"It's less hassle at school. Besides, there's no such thing as a good girl." He looked so confused. "Good girls just haven't been caught yet." You smirk and drop your cigarette on the ground before walking back inside.


'But she sneaks out the window to be with her boyfriend'

You hear a faint tapping on your window. You think it'll stop soon or it must be rain but it keeps getting louder. You roll out of bed and pull up your blinds to discover your boyfriend, Calum, stood on the front lawn. You push the window open and stick your head out.
"What are you doing?" You shouted in a whisper.
"I wanna go for a night walk," he said.
"Shh," you hush. "Then go for a night walk."
"I wanna go with my girlfriend," he pouted.
"I can't! I'm meant to be in bed, my parents are sleeping. I'm in my pyjamas too."
"I bet your pyjamas are sexy! Sneak out."
"I'll wake the whole house up! Actually, give me a minute, I'll climb out the window."
"That's my girl," he laughed.
You climb onto your desk below the window and put one leg out. "I'm scared," you whimpered. "This seemed like a good idea at first."
"I'll catch you," Calum stood with his arms braced as if he'd actually catch you.
You put your other leg out and jump onto the garden wall and then climb down carefully.
"My parents are gonna kill me!" you shiver as Calum puts his jacket around your shoulders.
"They won't find out."
"Even if they do - it'll be worth it."


'In the back of the room, where nobody looks, She'll be with her boyfriend...she's not reading books'

"This documentary is so boring," your boyfriend Luke whispered in your ear.
You were in History and although it didn't really interest you, you wanted to get good grades but today's lesson was a nice easy lesson where you didn't have to pay attention.
Everyone thinks you're the nerdy girl who reads books all day long but you just want to finish school with decent grades and you were desperate to get out of this place.
"I'm so bored," Luke whined again but this time his body was closer to yours before and he began to draw circles on your thigh.
"Luke," you whispered harshly as to not draw attention to his back-of-the-classroom antics.
"Come on, no one's looking," he kissed your cheek.
You turned to face him and tell him no but he looked so hot in the dimly lit room that you attached your lips to his.
Luke's hand moved higher up your thigh and you pulled away before you moaned from his touch.
He groaned quietly and you knew you'd pay for that later.


'She's a good girl, She's daddy's favourite'

"Right," you began as Michael started the engine of his car. You were driving to your house so he could meet your parents for the first time, "my mum and dad don't know about my tattoos so please don't say anything."
"They don't?" He asked surprised.
"No, they don't. They're very..erm...strict?"
"Strict?" Michael repeated.
"They don't really approve of tattoos or piercings."
"Oh," was all Michael said.
At your house you knocked on the door and your dad answered.
"Daddy!" You said and immediately hugged him. "This is Michael," you gestured to him on your right.
Your dad looked him up and down and you knew he immediately disapproved of the dyed hair and earrings.
"That was so awkward!" Michael said in the car on the way back to his place.
"It wasn't so bad."
"Your parents hate me!"
"No they don't."
"They think I've practically corrupted their little girl! Why didn't you tell me they think you're still the good little girl you were when you were 8?"
"I'm not a good girl? Do you think I'm a bad girl?" You asked cheekily and you could see Michael physically sit up straight and concentrate solely on the road ahead.

Ok so Luke's one in this is about as smutty as it's got so far but does anyone want dirty preferences??

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