First 'I Love You'

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"I love you," Ashton says as he pulls you into a massive bear hug. "You're amazing, (Y/N)."
Your head's in his chest and you can't think of any place you'd rather be.
"I know I am," you joke.
"(Y/N)?" He steps back and holds your hands.
"You never say it."
"Say what?" You pretend not to know what he's on about.
"The L word," he whispers; teasing to make a joke out of it.
"I do."
"Say it."
"Why won't you say it?"
"Because I don't want it to regret saying it. I don't want this to end and then regret ever giving my heart away."
"You won't regret it with me."
The day goes by and Ashton is half ignoring you because you didn't say it.
Night comes and you're going to bed. Ashton lies with his back to you.
"What (Y/N)? If you won't say it then I don't know what to do anymore."
"I love you too."


"Wanna play truth?" You ask.
"Yeah. Go on, then."
You're both in the living room at your house. Calum's lying on the sofa whilst you're sitting on the floor.
"Ok then...if you had to choose between the band and Vegemite, who would you pick?"
"(Y/N)! You can't ask me that! That's like choosing between breathing and eating. Although eating wins.."
"Cal. You're going off topic."
"Right, yeah, is there a third option?"
"The band."
"You sure."
He nods slowly. "Your go," he sits up. "Do you love me?"
"Yes. Of course I do."
"Then say it."
"I love you."
"I love you too," he bends down and kisses you.

Luke: his POV

"You gonna say it today?" Calum asked.
"Yes. No. Maybe," I answered.
"Man up!"
"Don't tell me to man up!" Calum hit me. "Bitch!"
"You're such girls," Ashton laughs.
"Am not." We say in unison.
I want to say it to her. I do. I love (Y/N). I have for a long time but what if she doesn't say it back? What if I make a fool out of myself? Worst case scenario: she doesn't say it back. No. Worst case: she breaks up with me because she thinks I'm some psycho stalker that's fallen in love with her over a month.
She's just walked in.
Shit. She's just walked in.
What do I do?
"We'll leave you two," Calum winks.
Ash and Cal left and then it was just me and (Y/N).
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"Er.." I scratched my neck. "I don't know. They're such weirdos," I laughed over enthusiastically.
"What's wrong Luke?"
"I need to say something to you."
"Yes?" She looked worried.
"You do? I thought you'd never say it."
"Really?" I stepped closer.
"I love you too," she kissed me.
She loves me.


"Michael, stop!" You say out of breath but he continues to tickle you relentlessly. "I. Can't. Breath."
"Say I'm right and then I'll stop."
"No! You aren't right!"
"Say it and I'll stop."
He continues to tickle you and you eventually say stop.
He sits up and collapses next to you.
"I'm exhausted," he sighs as he pulls you into his chest. He kisses your forehead, "I love you, you know that?"
"You what?" You look up at him.
"Did I say that out loud?" He blushes.
"I love you too, Michael."

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