Don't leave me...

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"Why Ashton? Why?" You demanded.
"I don't know. I can't explain it! She just kinda leapt at me."
"Leapt at you? She leapt at you? She isn't some kind of animal - she's a girl!"
"Yes. A hormonal girl who doesn't know what she's doing. I'm in a band she likes and she saw an opportunity."
"There are millions of girls that like the band, how many have you kissed then?!" He looked at you wide eyed. "Did you like it?" You whisper.
"Did you like the kiss, Ashton?"
"No of course not! Don't be so stupid, (Y/N)!"
"Then why did you let her?"
"I didn't know she was gonna kiss me! Why don't you believe me?"
"Because you're too good for me Ash! You're in this massive band and I'm just the ugly girlfriend that sits on the side getting hate from all these gorgeous fans," you sob.
"That's what you're worrying about? That I'm gonna run off with another girl," he pulled you into a hug. "I'd never do that to you. I love you. I promise I'll never leave you, (Y/N)," he kissed your forehead.
"Don't make promises you can't keep. I don't want my heart broken."
"I can keep this promise."
"Do you promise you won't leave me?" You look up at him.
"Cross my heart."


"I can't believe you didn't tell me you're going on tour next week!"
"I wanted to but there never seemed to be a right time."
"Never a right time? You have have plenty of opportunities, Calum!" You shout at him as you storm towards the front door.
"We're just getting serious and I don't want to lose you, (Y/N)."
"Lose me? You don't want to lose me? Calum you're already losing me! You said no more secrets! How long have you known about this tour? A year?"
"Only a few months."
"A few months? Well that's just great, isn't it? You've known for months and you don't feel that you can tell me! What does that say about our relationship?" You scream as you reach for the door handle. You yank the door open and about storm out when Calum grabs your wrist.
"It says that I don't want to hurt."
"Why didn't you tell me?" You look up at him speaking softly again.
"I don't want this to end; what we have is amazing and it feels so right. I don't want to leave you here whilst I'm on tour."
You kiss him lustfully. "Don't leave me behind then. Take me with you."


"Don't ever leave me, (Y/N)," Luke turns to you whilst you're both sitting on the sofa watching TV.
"Why are you saying that?"
"Because I love you and don't know what I'd do without you."
"Have you been drinking?" You giggle.
Luke pulls you into his chest and kisses your temple. "Can I not say something romantic and sweet without you thinking I'm drunk? You truly are the greatest thing that's come into my life."
"I'm the greatest thing that's ever come in to anyone's life!" You joke.
"But seriously - I love you. Just don't leave me."
He looks at you pretending to be upset.
"Ok I won't leave you. Unless Bradley Cooper comes along..then I'm afraid I'm leaving you."
You laugh at his reaction.


You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock buzzing.
Great. School.
You get out of bed as carefully and slowly as you can: trying not to wake your sleeping boyfriend. Suddenly you feel two strong arms wrap around your bare waist. They forcefully pull you back on to the bed.
"Mmm babe, do you have to go so soon?"
"Yes," you giggle. "I have school."
"Can't you skip it for one day?" He asks in his low and raspy morning voice.
"No. I'm not skiving just to stay in bed with you."
"I'll make it worth your while..." He kisses your neck and down to your collarbone.
"Mikey," you moan, "I have to go now."
"Don't leave me by myself."
"I have to go to school." You attempt to stand up but he doesn't let go of your waist. "Let go," you pry his arms off of you. He pouts at you as you get dressed. "Goodbye," you kiss him.

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