Your Birthday

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You open your front door to be greeted by darkness in your flat that you shared with your boyfriend. You guys were supposed to be going out for dinner but I guess he forgot....again.
The past week he'd been so preoccupied with something that you felt as though he'd forgotten you.
You turn on the hallway light and walk into the living room.
When you turn on the light you're greeted by all your friends and family.
"Surprise!" They all shout simultaneously.
"What? Oh my God!" You laughed at all the people in your house.
"Happy birthday, love," Ashton said as he snaked his arms around your waist.
You smile up at him goofily. "I thought you'd forgotten."
"I'd never forget my girlfriend's birthday," he pretends to be hurt by your comment.
"Thank you, Ash. This is the best birthday ever," you say cheesily.
He kisses your cheek before leaving to get your present.
When he returns he hands you a small box wrapped in silver paper. "It isn't much, I know."
"It's from you Ash. That's all I care about." You unwrap the present and it's a silver band with a rose on it. "It's beautiful. Thank you." You kiss him. "I love you."
"I love you too," he kissed you back.


Your boyfriend, Calum, was on tour for your birthday. You didn't mind because you'd made plans with your friends but you were going to miss him.
He'd promised to make it up to you when he got home but you just couldn't wait for the day you saw him again.

"Ready?" (Y/BF/N) asks as you slip on your heels.
"Ready. Let's go," you agree.
You and (Y/BF/N) walk down the street to the restaurant and sit down with the rest of your friends.
The waiter comes over and you order drinks.
The waiter comes back and asks: "is this wine ok?"
You look at him and scream. "Cal!" You stand up and hug him immediately. He puts the bottle on the table and hugs you back tightly. "What are you doing here? You're meant to be on tour!"
"It's your birthday! I can't miss that!"
He sits down next to you and your best friend is smiling madly.
"Did you know about this?" You ask her.
"No......" she replies suspiciously.
"Thank you," you smile at her baring your teeth.
"What about the tour?" You ask Calum.
"I have to fly back in the morning but we have tonight," he winks.


"Happy birthday, (Y/N)," Luke kisses your temple.
"Thank you. Today has been amazing," you smile at him.
For your birthday Luke had taken you shopping and then you guys went out for a late lunch.
It was a perfect day and you couldn't thank him enough.
"One more thing," he said before he ran off in to the kitchen and left you sitting alone on the sofa.
He came back and was holding a small box and sat beside you. He opened the box for you to see what was inside: a diamond ring.
"I know it's too soon so this is a promise ring," he began but you could already feel the tears forming. "I promise to always be there for you and to always cheer you up," you giggle at this part. "I promise to always care for you and, most importantly, I promise to always love you. I love you, (Y/N)."
A tear rolls down your cheek and Like slips the ring on your finger.
"I love you too," you say as you cup his face in your hands.
"One day I'll turn his in to a proper ring and you'll be Mrs Hemmings."
"I can't wait for that day," you giggle again.


"Stop...Michael," you complain.
"Will you be quiet for one moment, please? I'm going to get us lost," he retorts.
You walk silently the rest of the way until you get to a hilltop.
"What are we doing here? It's almost midnight!"
"This is where we first met."
"I can't believe you remember that, Mikey," you smile.
"I could never forget it! It was honestly the best night of my life. We sat and talked until the early hours of the morning and then you told me it was your birthday. That was two years ago, (Y/N). So much has happened in those two years since."
"You are such a dork. You're making a huge speech and you know I hate birthdays."
"That's exactly what you said two years ago - that you hated celebrating your birthday. Well, (Y/N), I want to not celebrate every birthday you have for the rest of your life."
"Me too, Mikey. Thank you."
He kisses you.

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