You're American And Use American Slang

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I do apologise because I had to google American slang as I'm not American and am very sorry if people don't actually use these words!!



You were just lounging around the apartment and doing nothing with your boyfriend apart from chatting.
"So," you began about to tell him about your best friend's date, "she said he was really hot and sweet but it totally got ruined by the fact that he took her to this chintzy restaurant. I mean, who does that?"
"A chintzy restaurant? What's that? Some kind of sex place?" He asked confused.
You could help but double over in fits of laughter.
"What?" He asked again.
"Chintzy means, like, cheap."
"Oh," he sighed. "You could have said that! I don't get your American words sometimes!"
"Coming from the person that says you wear thongs on your feet?"
"Hey! Don't mock me," he inched closer to you. He kissed you and said "I like your accent. It's so hot."


You two were watching a late night movie when your eye lids started to feel heavy and you couldn't stop yawning.
"Tired, babe?" Calum asked whilst looking down at you.
"Yeah," you yawned again. "I think I'm gonna hit the sack."
Calum quickly repositioned his hand. "You're going to what?"
"Go to bed?"
"You said hit the sack? You aren't hitting any sacks!"
"Cal," you giggled. "Calm down. It means go to bed. I'm going to bed," you repeated.
"Oh ok," he said as you stood up made your way to the bedroom whilst Calum sat there pondering your choice of words. "Wait for me!" He called before leaping up and joining you.


"Ugh," you groaned as you dumped your school bag on the sofa next to your boyfriend.
"What's up?" He looked up at you from his phone as you slouched next to him.
"There are so many kooks at my school. They weird me out sometimes."
"Well you need cooks to eat."
"What? I wasn't talking about cooks?"
"Yeah you were. You said there are so many cooks at your school."
"Aw, Lukey," you cooed annoyingly.
"What?" He asked slowly.
"I said kooks not cooks."
"What the fuck are kooks? Ah, like the band? They're a little old for school though...."
"Kooks are like odd people. Strange people," you explained.
"Kook," he said aloud like a child hearing a swear word the first time.
"Like kooky? You don't use the word kooky?"
"Like the food?"
"That's cookie, Luke."
"Oh. Teach me more words."
"Why words?"
"Like words that you use with your friends. Words I don't use."
So you spent the rest of the evening trying to teach Luke some American words - they were lost on him - and he in turn attempted to think of some Australian words.


"I have this weekend off," Michael said as you lay in bed.
"You do?" You turned your head to face him.
"Yeah. We can finally spend some proper time together."
"Mm," you pecked his lips. "I just wanna veg out and eat crap."
"Why veg out when you can just eat crap all day long? Well, the veg balances out the crap, I guess."
You tried to stifle a giggle but you ended up snorting instead.
"What have I done?" He asked defensively.
"Baby, veg out doesn't mean to eat vegetables. It means to do nothing."
"Oh." He laughed, "I just looked really dumb, didn't I?"
"No, it was cute."
Michael quickly grabbed his phone off the bedside table and tweeted.
@Michael5SOS: 'gonna veg out this weekend with my girl #broccoli'

This one's been quite popular... how about another version? English, Canadian? idk (:

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